
Embracing the Evolution of Life Purpose

Photo by Ian Schneider on Unsplash Life purpose is often thought of as a fixed point guiding our actions and decisions. However, the truth is far more dynamic. As we grow and evolve in life, our understanding of our purpose can grow as well. It’s a journey marked by shifts, revelations, and new priorities. Understanding […]


Living a Purposeful Life

Image by Arek Socha from Pixabay Living a purposeful life is about aligning your actions, values, and goals with a sense of meaning and direction. It’s about finding fulfillment and satisfaction in what you do, and feeling a sense of connection to something greater than yourself. While the concept of living with purpose might seem […]


Unraveling the Essence: Life Purpose Beyond Ambitions and Goals

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash Throughout human existence, the quest for meaning and purpose has been a never-ending journey. While ambitions and goals provide direction and milestones in our journey, life purpose goes beyond the mere desire for success. Let’s take a look at the difference between life purpose, ambitions, and goals, and […]


Myths About Life Purpose

 Image by PublicDomainPictures from Pixabay There are several myths about life purpose that keep people back from truly connecting with what brings them fulfillment in life.   Holding these beliefs up to the light, we can see that they are easily disproved by comparing them to the experiences people actually have. We find purpose in […]


Why Life Purpose is the Secret Ingredient

Image by Fabiano Pimentel Fafarte from Pixabay Have you ever eaten something at a restaurant or a friend’s house and wow!  There’s something in the dish or dessert that really gives it more flavor, more sweetness or spice. You want to know, “What is the secret ingredient that makes all the difference in this?” Some […]


Finding Purpose in Small Things

We can do no great things-only small things with great love. ~ Mother Teresa If you cannot do great things, do small things in a great way. ~ Napolean Hill When we think of purpose, what comes up for most people is something big and life-changing. I’m in complete accord with the desire to make […]


Making Positive Changes

One of the things that holds us back from making positive changes in our lives is the fear that things will be worse in the future than they are now. We cling to the ideas and circumstances we’ve already created, even if their purpose is finished. But if we don’t lovingly let go of the […]


Life Purpose and Your Health

Did you know that having purpose in your life can actually improve your health? Or maybe its just that when you have a purpose in your life, your body’s natural state of health returns! I know my health took a big dip when I was feeling burned out and unhappy at my job. Once I […]


7 Misconceptions About Life Purpose

There are many misconceptions about life purpose. Those misconceptions cause a lot of people to needlessly twist themselves into knots trying to figure out what they’re here for. Below are some common misunderstandings about purpose that I hope to clear up for you.  1.  Not everyone has a life purpose. We are all born with […]


Life Purpose: Career and Beyond

I write about life purpose as meaningful work a lot, since many people come to me with that concern. They want to connect with work that they love and makes a contribution to the larger whole. Purpose is also about your spiritual growth, and the career you choose is most certainly part of that growth. […]
