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Audio Meditations

These are short, guided meditation audio downloads that can be used to help you feel relaxed, aid in manifesting your best life and focus on the unique and gifted person you truly are.

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Beginning Your Day With Light

This  meditation guides you into starting your day calling in the higher light and pre-paving your day with light. $8.00

Recorded at 528 Hz, known as the love frequency. This frequency brings transformation and an increased amount of love energy, clarity of mind, awareness, creativity, and inner peace. It also has the ability to activate your imagination, intention, and intuition to operate for your highest and best purpose.


I Have Value Meditation

This is a wonderful meditation for getting in touch with your Higher Self and tuning in to your value as a person. If you have been having issues with confidence or making yourself small, this meditation will focus you on your true worth and leave you feeling expanded! $8.00


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Attracting Your Life’s Work Meditation

This guided meditation will lead you to relax and imagine your ideal life, engaged in doing work you love and in alignment with your highest purpose. Become magnetic to your purpose and meaningful work. $8.00


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Manifesting Your Life’s Work Meditation Bundle

Get all three meditations to support you in manifesting your life’s work. Begin your day by calling in the light. Affirm your value and create your ideal life’s work. $18.00

Deep Relaxation Meditation

This meditation will gently guide you into a state of deep, blissful relaxation. Soothe your mind, body and spirit. This was recorded at 528 Hz, the Solfeggio frequency of love and healing. $8.00

Connecting With Joy Meditation

This meditation is designed to help you relax and receive joy into your being. Release resistance to the idea of living in joy and affirm your connection to joy. $8.00


