Hello Friends!
This post is by my coach and friend, Eva Gregory. I wanted to share this with my readers, for it is such a topical issue and Eva offers such words of wisdom.

Hi folks,

We are constantly inundated about our “down” economy. With so much focus on what we’re afraid of and given my experience with the Law of Attraction, it is not surprising that so many people are relating to the world right now as scary and unsettled, causing them in reaction to hold tightly to their resources, which only perpetuates the concerns with the economy. There is this crisis-oriented economy—and then there is our own economy and what we choose to create.

The experience of our country’s economic health varies from person to person. For instance, in the midst of this “economy” I had a banner year last year. I am expecting to have another banner year this year. It is clear to me that how I choose to create my present and future will have a direct impact on the results I produce. No question. What is your perception of your present and future and the impact you have on what you attract?

Regardless of the way money is circulating in a country at any given time, there are people who thrive and enjoy their lives and people who struggle and suffer. Even in times of what are considered to be a booming economy, homelessness, starvation, job loss, fear about the future, and depression over non-preferred circumstances still exist and persist. What we have—or don’t have—in our lives has little or nothing to do with our external world. It is directly impacted by our consistency with the messages we communicate to the Universe.

Where is your current focus? What messages are you sending to the Universe? At what frequency (high or low) are you vibrating that has you attracting those things you do (or don’t) want into your life? If you’re not attracting what you want—and also enjoying the process, it may be time to adjust your dial.

It would serve us in creating a massive shift in our economy—beginning with our own lives—to turn our attention to and visualize those things we desire. What fills you up? What sources you? What excites you and has you delighted to wake up each morning? What messages about how the world works and what they can have in their lives do you want to pass on to your children and others who are our future leaders? Are you living your own life in alignment with what you want to pass on? If you’re unsure, take a look at the results you have produced or are currently producing. You’ll have your answer.

As a long-standing coach, it is my experience that my clients create evidence for that which they are looking. For example, if one of my clients is convinced that no matter what they do or how much they move their life forward, the Universe is going to find a way to knock them down, this is what continues to show up for them. On the other hand, if another client is clear that if they keep putting one foot in front of the other, so to speak, remaining focused on their desired outcome, the Universe will bless them, this is what they continue to experience. In other words, they produce results based on their consistent focus, positive or negative.

As human beings, we have the privilege of forming our own thoughts and perceptions of how the world works. Each of us has the opportunity and ability to make the Universe work for us and bring to us our desired results. The questions we must ask ourselves are: Where is my focus? Where do I want to direct my energy today? Is where I have my attention consistent with what I say I want for my life? The Universe listens closely to the messages we send. Yes, we are that powerful!

To your outrageous success,

Copyright @2010 Eva Gregory. All rights reserved.

Eva Gregory, is a master Law of Attraction coach, speaker, author, and conscious channel. Her latest book Life Lessons for Mastering the Law of Attraction co-authored with Jack Canfield of Chicken Soup fame and one of the featured teachers on the blockbuster DVD, The Secret can be found in bookstores everywhere. In her work, Eva brings through her loving, non-physical guides, known as Theos. Theos is a stream of consciousness whose mission is to integrate our understanding of how we can embody our Higher Selves and begin to live from the highest point of consciousness NOW. To learn more about her products and services, visit http://www.LeadingEdgeCoaching.com/