In the classic 1910 book by Wallace Wattles, The Science of Getting Rich, he states, “The grateful mind is constantly fixed upon the best.  Therefore it tends to become the best.  It takes the form or character of the best and will receive the best.”

Think for a moment about the myriad of thoughts and feelings that you experience throughout your day.  How many of them are complaining about “what-is” or thoughts about all the things you have to do and how many are about what you truly appreciate and are grateful for in your life?  If you’re like most people, the majority of your thoughts are habitual complaints, irritations, stress, overwhelm or generally limiting thoughts about why you can’t have, do or be what you want.  What does that feel like?  How engaged with Life are you under those circumstances?  Now take a moment to think of something you’re grateful for. Get into the feeling of that.  How does that feel?  For me, it’s like finally getting my head above water, coming out into the bright light of day.  I can breathe again!

There are different types of gratitude. There’s gratitude for what you already have and gratitude for what’s coming.  Begin with what you already have.  Even if you are in financial distress or your lover has left you, you can find something that is working for you and be grateful.  If you have two good legs to walk around on, eyes to see with, or an abundance of air to breathe, that’s a place to start.  Are you grateful for the contrast that has caused you to grow and expand?  That one may be a bit more of a challenge, but as I look back on the contrast I’ve experienced I realize that I have expanded into something more and better every time I’ve had a challenge and my life is richer for it.  Mr. Wattles points out that “…because all things have contributed to your advancement, you should include all things in your gratitude.”   When shifting your focus, the first step requires an effort of will, but if you keep looking for things to be grateful for, the law of attraction will bring you more thoughts to match your last ones.   As you walk or drive down the road do a rampage of appreciation for everything you see and feel your energy shift into a higher vibration!

If you are in a mindset of gratitude, you are expectant of good things coming to you.  It’s impossible to feel gratitude and fear at the same time.  If you have given a clear picture to the universe of what you desire, your Higher Self has already expanded into that picture and become it.  Enjoy the delicious details of it!   You know you are the creator of your experience.  From that place of knowing you can step into gratitude for what is not yet manifest in your life.   This is a state of powerful faith.

When you are feeling grateful you are connected to your Source.  Your mind is in harmony with the limitless abundance of the universe.  You are magnetic to your desires and your desires are magnetic to you.  And it just feels good!  Isn’t that what it’s all about?