By now we are in the middle of the holiday season. How are you doing?

While we love the spirit of the season–the focus on love, giving, friendship and family–it is also a time of increased stress for many people. I can remember thinking, as a beleaguered, underpaid teacher that I just wanted the holidays to be over. The increased number of tasks and expenses drained the joy out of it for me. Holiday times are also a sharp reminder of the absence of loved ones who may have passed and a time when we may have challenging family members to deal with.

So how do we cope with all of this and align with the joy and love that is the intention of this season?

Here are some tips to not only get you through, but to actually get you into the spirit!

1. BREATHE! Do you catch yourself holding your breath as you rush around trying to get it all done? Take a moment to check in with yourself several times during the day and notice your breathing. Stop and take a few deep breaths, gently and slowly releasing them. See if you can get quiet enough to feel the rhythm of your heart. Breath with this rhythm. This releases tension, opens your heart and allows your well-being to flow to you without resistance. It seems such a simple thing, but there is power in simplicity.

2. Set your intention before you head out shopping that you will easily and quickly walk up to the perfect gift for each person on your list. It will be the right price for you and the best gift for them.   What a time saver! Believe me, I have done this with great success!

3. Focus on opening your heart. As you are purchasing and wrapping gifts, get a mental picture of the person you are giving the gift to. Picture the person’s delight at receiving, and yours at giving. Focus on the love you have for that person and surround the gift with light. I find this makes the “task” of wrapping much more enjoyable for me, and it sets the stage for a delicious exchange of energy.

4. Nurture yourself. Even though you don’t think you have the time to take for yourself, this is vital. Interestingly, if we listen to our bodies and move them when they want to move, rest them when they want to rest, get a massage or take a nice long bubble bath, we actually create more time. We become more efficient in the action we take when we are in tune with what our bodies are telling us. This is an act of self-love, and if you don’t love yourself you have nothing to give others.

5. Allow yourself to receive. We’ve all heard that it is more blessed to give than to receive. Please throw this one out! Think about it. If no one was receiving, how could anyone give? Imagine trying to give something to someone and they rejected it. How would that feel? When you allow yourself to receive, you complete an energy exchange. Research shows that when you receive, your levels of serotonin, the neurotransmitter of well-being and happiness, rise just as much as when you give.  Remember, all you need to do is smile and say a warm thank you.  This is the time to get into the feeling of appreciation, which is a vibrational match to abundance.  Bask in it!  Allow others the joy of giving and allow yourself the joy of receiving.

6.  Stay connected to spirit. Take the time to meditate, pray or simply find quiet reflective time.  This will remind you of who you really are and keep your heart open.  You will reconnect with the joy of the season and the well-being that is your birthright.  When you feel it, you radiate it out to others as a natural part of who you are.