You cannot learn much new in life; you can only remember.
– Carlos Ruiz Zafon

I just read one of the most fascinating self-help books this year, and wanted to write a short review of it. I skimmed over new Amazon Kindle titles in the Self-help category, and the unusual title “The Happiness Hop” caught my eye. The cover of the book was enticing too. So, I decided to check it out.

The first pages were pretty interesting. Suddenly something extraordinary happened, and I just couldn’t stop reading.

What’s the book about? I won’t reveal too much here, you really need to check the book out yourself. All I can say that if you’re interested in living a more fulfilling life and finding and living out your unique purpose, do read The Happiness Hop. The book is very enjoyable, it is captivating and inspiring. And helps me to remember…

Below is one of my favorite passages of the book:

“Gaining insight into your purpose in life gives you strength. A person who has fully grasped his purpose is strong and able to endure a great deal of pressure because he has gained a sharper view of the world. He sees everything with increased clarity. As Jung once put it, “Purpose and meaning make a lot, if not everything, bearable.” Despite suffering, disease and hardships, one can seek to fulfill one’s purpose – each according to his own ability. In the words of the philosopher Nietzsche, ‘He who has a why to live can bear almost any how.'”

THE HAPPINESS HOP has a unique approach of combining non-fiction and fiction into a conversation between Everyman and a wise mentor. It discusses profound themes with humor, enlightening stories and astonishing elements. As Tim Pond says: “Don’t look for happiness; look for purpose.”

Magnificent bonus gifts ($297 value!) for action-takers (time sensitive offer)

When I bought the book, I noticed that Tim Pond offers a spectacular bonus gifts to the buyers of his book. If you purchase the book in the next 48 hours, you’ll get a fabulous collection of bonus gifts by top self-improvement experts.

To check out The Happiness Hop and to claim your marvelous bonus gifts now, visit