The most important thing you can do to change your life is to change your thoughts. Sounds simple, but as anyone who has tried it knows, those default thoughts that we have been thinking for so long keep rearing their heads. We have, on the average, 60,000 thoughts a day. That’s one thought per second during every waking hour! Of those 60,000 thoughts, 95% are habitual–we thought them yesterday and the day before and so on. They are so habitual, that in many instances, we don’t even notice ourselves thinking them. Of those habitual thoughts, 80% are negative. That means we have, on average 45,000 negative thoughts every day! No wonder, when we decide to make changes it can feel like we’re driving with one foot on the brake pedal!

So why are those self-defeating thoughts so sticky? They reside in the subconscious mind, where all our beliefs, both constructive and destructive, are stored. Studies in neuroscience indicate that as much as 95% of our consciousness is subconscious. Most of our beliefs are formed before the age of six, when our brains are in a very receptive state. The subconscious mind is very literal and it is always in the present. So, a belief we were exposed to as a child, whether if serves us now or not, is still with us in the present. Our beliefs determine how we see ourselves and the world, and our perceptions form our behavior. Our behavior influences what we create in our lives.

So, when we consciously set a goal, if we have a subconscious belief that is not in alignment with that goal, it eludes us. We tend to think we are just not trying hard enough. The truth is, we may have a belief that needs to be shifted and the good news is, we can do that.

First, you need to become aware of the thoughts that may be holding you back. Because they are habitual they can be very sneaky. The next time you find yourself with some down time–sitting at a red light, waiting for someone to arrive to a meeting, etc.–notice your thoughts. What comes up? Are there any that you realize are self-defeating or judgmental? This will start to give you clues as to what thought patterns you have that may be standing in your way of what you want in life. If you don’t believe you are deserving, smart enough, outgoing enough, pretty enough, safe enough, and so on, these thoughts will stop your progress.

Next, become more aware of when you are having an habitual thought that doesn’t serve you and do something to interrupt it. You can sing, laugh, or exercise. No beating up on yourself for having this thought! All you want to do is interrupt it. This helps new neural pathways form in your brain. Start questioning your thoughts.  Ask, “Is this really true?”  Flip the thought to one that serves you better. Notice how that feels.  Commit to gently shifting to a better feeling thought each time you notice a thought that doesn’t reflect self-love and empowerment.  With practice and persistence you can gradually start to form new neural pathways, shift those beliefs and change your energy and point of attraction.

There are many helpful modalities to explore for more quickly shifting limiting beliefs, such as EFT and my favorite, PSYCH-K®.  Developed by psychologist Robert Williams, PSYCH-K is based of years of research into split brain theory, or Brain Dominance Theory and offers a variety of ways to quickly identify and shift beliefs you want to change. You can find out more at

Remember a belief is just a thought you keep thinking.  You have the power to change how you think!