Happy SunThere is nothing we want for any other reason than we think we will be happier by having it. Whether it is more money, a lover, physical fitness and vitality, a baby, a better job–you name it. Certainly having those things all feel good! But many, if not most, people get stuck in what transformational thought leader and best selling author, Marci Shimoff calls “The myth of I’ll be happy when…”

The problem with thinking ‘I’ll be happy when..”, is that we attach being happy to something in the future. It’s the same as making a declaration that, “I am not happy now.” Since the universe always matches us right where we are, it’s easy to see that those things we think will make us happy are going to stay in the future. And studies have shown that we humans are not very good at predicting what will make us happy. If, through sheer effort of will we do get what we think we want, we experience either only brief happiness or actual disappointment. The stuff we want just doesn’t do the job of creating happiness. But we soldier on, trying to manipulate the outside environment, thinking that the next bright shiny object will do the trick. It doesn’t. True happiness is an inside job, and we create it in the only moment we can–NOW.

So, how do we create happiness? In her book, Happy for No Reason, Marci Shimoff addresses seven areas in our lives where we can raise our happiness level. For each of those areas she offers three happiness habits that can be practiced to actually re-set our happiness “set-point” to a higher level. Like any new skill, these habits need to be practiced in order to produce a result. As you practice these new habits and discover happiness within you, you raise your vibration. When you are operating at a higher vibrational level you then become a match to the things you want. Now, when you receive them you’ll truly be able to enjoy them, because the are simply the icing on the cake. The real happiness is being generated from within.

Rhonda Byrne, creator of “The Secret” wrote…
“I want to let you in on a secret to ‘The Secret.’ The shortcut to anything you want in your life is to BE and FEEL happy now! It is the fastest way to bring money and anything else you want into your life.”

If you have been putting the cart before the horse, thinking that you’ll be happy when…. and want to change that around in your life, I invite you to join me May 15 at 8:30 PM EDT or May 17th at 3:00 PM EDT for a free Happiness Tribe webinar that will cover the principles in Marci’s book. Learn how to be happy NO MATTER WHAT is going on in your life and experience an authentic state of sustained happiness! You can register for the webinar at:  HappinessWebinar