Joyful manWe often hear from many professionals and speakers that we need to be in alignment to create what we want. Indeed, if you have worked with me you’ve heard it from me, too! But what, exactly does that mean? What are we supposed to be in alignment with and how do we do it?

Some Basic Concepts
It is important to understand the nature of who we really are in order to understand alignment. We, as humans, tend to think of ourselves as being either physical or spiritual. The truth is that we are both physical and spiritual. The larger part of us, our soul, is always in spirit. It is part of Source Energy. When we decide to experience the expansion of the physical world, we come into the body knowing we are always connected to that Source. When we leave the physical, we simply rejoin the larger part of who we are. We come into the physical to focus intensively from a certain viewpoint or perspective and experience the variety that this world offers. We sift through the variety, developing preferences and as we do so, we expand beyond who we were.

Alignment with Who We Really Are
The alignment we seek, then, is alignment with that larger part of ourselves–our soul, or source, which is always loving and serene. Our souls have many wonderful qualities, including love, wisdom, peace, joy, creativity, higher will and purity to name a few!

When we experience something we don’t want we automatically send out a desire for the opposite. If we experience someone being rude to us, we desire to be treated with respect. If we see we have bills and the money in our bank account is not going to cover them, we desire more money. If we find our jobs boring or meaningless, we want work that excites and fulfills us–and so on. This desire goes out as vibration whether we express it in words or not. Our souls immediately expand into the new desire and become the vibrational equivalent of it. The pain we feel is because we haven’t caught up to the new version of ourselves at the soul level.

Getting Into Alignment        girl on bike
So how do we catch up? How do we get into alignment with the new, expanded version of ourselves and see the manifestation of that in this physical reality?

We are born with an internal guidance system called our emotions, which tell us when we are heading towards or away from what we want. When we feel negative emotions such as fear, anger, resentment, worry, and so on, we are pinching ourselves off from our Source and our well-being. This can be simply understood as a state of contraction. When we feel hope, interest, positive expectation, happiness, joy, enthusiasm, appreciation, etc, we are allowing our flow and connection to Source. This is expansion. Alignment, then, is a state of expansion. It is an emotional state that feels good. When we feel expanded we are perceiving in the same way our souls do. The way to get into alignment with your higher self is to feel good!

When you are faced with situations that feel “big, bad and awful” it doesn’t always seem like an easy task to move in a direction of feeling good. We have long practiced the vibrations of fear and lack. You could ask any of your friends and they would agree that your situation is terrible, not fair, or whatever you perceive it to be. It takes an effort of will to decide to shift into a new way of thinking and feeling.

This is why, as a coach, one of my primary goals with clients is to teach them how to soothe their energy to feel good no matter what they may perceive as reality at the time. The only way to shift into the reality you want, is to shift your thinking. when you reach for better feeling thoughts, your feeling state begins to change. From that jumping off place, you can now attract even better feelings to you. As you feel better and get more into alignment with your higher self, you now have access to solutions and good ideas. As stated earlier, your soul, or higher self, is wise. You have within you all the answers you seek. The only way to access those answers is to be in alignment–to feel good!

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