OceanI’ve had people express to me that they wonder if what they love to do is really helping the world in some way. It’s hard for them to see exactly how they can contribute to the world by doing the things that are fun and enjoyable to them, as the activities seem to be about their own personal pleasure or growth.

We are all here to to grow through joy. Some things we really want to accomplish because they are a passion may require focused action, but when we are passionate, the “work” or inconveniences involved don’t really matter to us, as we are fired up inside.   And sometimes the best things we can do are playful activities or quiet time to get in touch with ourselves.

While these may seem simply self-serving, we need to remember that everything is energy and we are all connected in what scientists call the quantum field. I can recall my father, a chemist, talking about particles that respond to each other over huge distances. Many studies have shown that people meditating together or setting a group intention affect the area they are in, in positive ways. The electromagnetic field of the heart has been shown to reach out at least ten feet from the body and it is guessed that it goes out farther, but the instruments can only measure that far. We are literally walking around in each others energy fields.

When you are doing what you love–even if it seems like a solitary activity–you are putting love into what you are doing. You are in alignment with the highest aspects of you. When you are in that state, you radiate out positive energy into the world. You are more powerful than you know!

It’s so easy to get into the thinking that someone else is affecting more people in a bigger way and is therefore doing more or better service in the world. The truth is that simply by shining out your positive energy, by keeping yourself as much as possible in alignment with the highest part of yourself, by caring about how you feel and doing what you love, you open your heart and you add to the flow of energy that others can tap into if they are open. Remember that we all serve in many ways, and one is not better than the other.

By meditating and thinking of those you love in the highest possible way, you add to their light. By holding positive pictures of the world, you add to the healing of the planet and everyone on it. This is vital work! The more people who are waking up to their passions and purpose–to what delights them–the more that high energy begins to affect the collective consciousness. The world needs more people doing what they love.

You can have a positive impact by simply “being”. I’m not saying don’t get into action. I’m simply saying that you are having more of an affect on your families and communities and on the world by attending to your own energy than you might realize. Take action when it feels good to you, when you feel compelled by your excitement and enthusiasm. When you do that, it will be the right action and it will seem to flow easily and effortlessly. And understand that in this vast ocean of energy that we all are, every drop counts.