One of the most pervasive beliefs that keep people from living their lives as they truly wish is the illusion that they are not “enough”.  Not smart enough, courageous enough, attractive enough, spiritual enough, creative enough, deserving enough….the list goes on.

In thinking about taking steps to move into living your life purpose, those feelings of not being enough can stop you before you even get started. There is the tendency to compare ourselves with others and decide that we come up short.  But who is the judge?  How did those feelings of not being enough–of somehow being broken, or “less than”–come to be present in your thoughts about yourself?  Usually they were downloaded into your brain by  authority figures or organizations who either didn’t know any better themselves or found it a convenient and effective way to control behavior.  We are all continuing to grow and learn.  That’s why we’re here!  But our inherent worth, who we really are as part of the All-That-Is, is always enough. You don’t need to be fixed and nothing has gone wrong.

The belief that you are not enough can certainly seem real, even though it is an illusion.   The minute you can stop measuring yourself by someone else’s false yardstick and connect with the truth of your being, you take back your power.  You are an eternal being and worthy simply because you exist.  So how do you shift from that false premise of “not enough” into the truth of who you are as a spark of the Divine?

One practice I’ve found very effective is to soften your energy and ground yourself by loving your own heart.  This very simple, yet profound practice was introduced to me by the spiritual intuitive teacher, Matt Kahn.  When feelings of “not enough” arise, we don’t feel safe in the world.  Realize that these feelings are coming up in order for you to clear them out of your field.  Rather than pushing them away or burying them (which  never works–ignored feelings just get bigger) allow them to be. Then, put your hand on your heart and say to yourself, as if you were speaking to a five year old in pain, “I love you.”  Repeat this many times, as if it were a lullaby to yourself.  “I love you.”  Sing it to yourself, say it with varied tones.  Really allow the words to sink in.  Do this often.  Do it every time you feel anxious.  What you are doing is making the thoughts of I love you the most popular thoughts in your head. (I joke that you want to make “I love you” what’s trending in your brain.)  It’s really important to remember you are speaking to your heart as if it were a five year old in pain.  Wouldn’t you want to soothe that child?  To reassure her or him?  To absolutely let that child know she is safe and deeply loved? This is what is true for you.  Love is the basis of creation.  You are loved beyond all measure.  You are enough right now.

If you need help with this process or would like to go deeper, please know I am here for you.  You can schedule your complimentary Discovery Session with me.