Everything is connected to the same Source energy.

Everything is connected to the same Source energy.

This is the second of my series on Universal Laws.  The first article addressed the Law of Vibration and the Law of Sufficiency and Abundance.   Today, I’ll show you how understanding the laws of Oneness, Pure Potentiality and Detachment can help you become a master manifester!

The Law of Oneness

The law of Oneness states that everything is connected and we are all part of one whole.  This means you and everything else you see as separate forms are really part of the same energetic source.  We know this not only from metaphysics, but from science as well.  Quantum physics tells us that everything is energy and has an effect on everything else.

When you realize this is true, you begin to understand that the things you want in your life, like love or money are really a part of you.  If you see them as separate, you repel them.  Since you don’t see it in your physical reality you think it is not part of you.  Once you see yourself as love and realize love comes from within you, you will attract more of it into your life. If you feel like money is a part of you rather than a reward for hard work, you’ll see more of it show up in your life.  Energy is in motion and money is energy.  It’s natural state is to flow–as money flows in and out of our lives.  You don’t have to prove your worthiness to attract money, you simply allow it.  During the ebb times know that a flow is about to happen and you’ll feel much easier about money.  As you feel easier it flows more easily to you.  Treat money as a friend who is there for you when you need him or her.  

The Law of Pure Potentiality

The true essence of who we are is pure consciousness.  The Source of everything–all creation –is potential, seeking to express itself, or know itself in form.  Wallace Wattles, author of The Science of Getting Rich, called it formless substance or formless intelligence.  So, since everything we see in form comes from pure potentiality, there is unlimited creativity.  We can create anything we desire.  The only things limiting us are our own doubts and fears, which stems from a lack mentality.

We can create our own sense of well being or inner peace, no matter what else is going on around us. When we are in alignment with this law of pure potentiality, there is no fear.  We realize we are infinite and we are creator beings because WE are essentially pure potentiality.  That is true freedom.  Being out in nature and feeling the consciousness that runs through all life can get us in touch with this.  All life comes from this energy of pure potentiality.  This creates a feeling of centeredness and peace, and a sense of reverence for all life, as we feel that connection.  You can see the connection to the Law of Oneness.

The Law of DetachmentLetting Go

This is the most misunderstood of all the universal laws.  In order to acquire anything in the physical universe you have to relinquish your attachment to it. This doesn’t mean to give up on your dreams. It simply means we are not attached to outcome.  Stay open to divine timing and to what form your desires show up in. Then the universe will yield what you want and often in a much better way than you imagined.  The key here is to Trust!  My friend and teacher Christy Whitman uses the word TRUST to mean:

 To Rely Unto Spirit Totally.

 Do what you can and then let go of needing.  If you are attached, you put up energetic barriers. So, live within the wisdom of uncertainty. In the uncertainly, you find your security.  Simply allow.  This law is also linked with pure potentiality, in that it allows for ALL possibilities.

 Ponder these laws and see where you can make the shifts in your life to align with them.  Then watch what happens!