options-396267_640We are the creators of our lives. The principles of Law of Attraction and other spiritual laws tell us this, and, with some experimentation and experience we can realize this is true.  We also have a deep desire to live in ways that are joyful and purposeful. We long to experience more meaning and happiness, more freedom–more of something! Many of us have shaped our lives according to what we thought other people expected of us or what we thought we should do in order to meet society’s standards. As we go on in years and especially around mid-life, many begin to  realize that our lives are ours. We get to choose how to spend our time and where to focus our attention. The problem occurs when we aren’t sure what that is. In order to arrive at a destination, we need to know where we are going and how to get there.

This is the importance of creating a vision for your life. In the hustle and bustle of life, how often do you carve out time to reflect on exactly where it is you are going?

As Basil S. Walsh says,

“If you don’t know where you are going how can you expect to get there?”

By creating a vision and intention for what we want, we increase our opportunities for living successful, fulfilled lives.

So ask yourself:

  • Who do you want to be?
  • What do you want to be doing and with whom?
  • What talents do you have that are not presently being utilized that would bring you joy to express?
  • What do you need to release in order to make room for the new?

Allow yourself a few moments to dream. Find a quiet space where you will be undisturbed. Close your eyes, breathe deeply and relax your body. How do you see your future self? If you could travel to visit your future self near the end of this life, what wisdom do you, that old wise woman or man, have for the present you? At the end of your life, what might you regret not doing? How would you treat other people and how would you treat yourself?

Expand your vision to be more than what you do. No one on their death bed has ever said they regret not working more. Ask your future wise woman or man what step to take to start living a joyful life, full of all the activities, fun, friendship, love and abundance you envision. Just the first step is all you need for now. Listen for what inspiration you receive, now or later.

If you need help putting your vision into practice or more help in connecting with it, I’m here to help. Register for your free Life Purpose Discovery Session.