Have you ever been in a situation or relationship where you kept getting the feeling you needed to let it go and move on to something else? Did you listen?

When you get those feelings that just won’t go way, there’s a reason. That’s your Higher Self sending you a message. You are always being guided to your highest good and your highest calling. In the bustle of life, it is often easy to ignore the subtle clues. Sometimes this guidance isn’t followed up on because of fear of change, or just not being sure.

That’s a good time to slow down and allow yourself some quiet time to reflect on your life and innermost desires and goals.

What is it you really want? Is your current situation (job, relationship, habit) assisting you in achieving what you want, or is it holding you back? Even though all experiences are important you are always expanding. When a situation has fulfilled its purpose, in order to keep growing, it needs to be let go.

Now, here’s the thing about how the Universe works—and you can take it as good news or bad. If you continue to hold on to something that you need to release, the Universe will create circumstances to release it from you. Your soul wants to grow, even if it drags the physical you along kicking and screaming.

As an example, someone close to me really needed to make a job change. He was stressed out, unappreciated and no longer took joy in what he was doing. But, he hung in there because he felt he had to. In the end, his boss, who didn’t like him, started rumors about him to other people and the board of the company.  None of these rumors were verified, just believed by several people. He left his employment, being essentially forced out, and started his own business.  He’s now much happier, healthier and fulfilled. And he can even laugh about it now!

So, the good news is—in the end you’ll see the good in it and really appreciate it!  It’s just so much easier to listen to those feelings that won’t go away and take some action on them yourself, before the Universe arranges things.  And  it doesn’t have to be all at once.  You can plan out the steps to get to the next phase of your life and begin taking action toward your goals.

So what has fulfilled its purpose in your life that needs to be released in order for you to grow into who you are meant to be?  I’d  love for you to comment below.  If you need help, schedule a complimentary Life Purpose Strategy Session with me!