I’m going to be really transparent today and share something quite personal. I’m sharing this because I want you to know that anyone, even law of attraction coaches, can get into ruts and have to re-group. It’s just part of being human and learning to trust our inner wisdom, even when it seems impractical. My hope is it will inspire you to allow yourself to “be.”

A while back I had gotten into a rut with my business. The things I had been doing to market it just weren’t working anymore. I began to doubt myself and thought I just wasn’t working hard enough or doing enough. I tried doing more, working harder, but was feeling so frustrated that I nearly gave up.

I kept getting gentle nudges that I just needed to step back a little and start having some fun. Now, I know that you need to be in alignment with whatever you do in order to bring it into physical reality. And being in alignment means feeling good. I teach this, after all! I help people with this very thing! But it was really hard for me to let myself take some time off and just relax. The old work ethic beliefs were in full bloom! I resisted what my inner being was telling me and tried to plow on, but I felt like I was in a void.

Fortunately, my husband is a very laid back kind of guy. He hardly does any marketing and yet his computer clients call him all the time. It all seems to work out perfectly. And isn’t that just what being in alignment is all about? You don’t have to struggle and work hard. Easy is better! And when he decides he’d like a day off he just intends it and his schedule clears. And when he says he’s going to the mountains I’m not about to let him go without me!

So, I finally was able to let go and decided that I was going to take some time off. I spent time in our local nature park and we went to the mountains for the afternoon several times. I read and I meditated more than once a day. I created a Facebook page just for my granddaughter and me so I could read to her on FB Live. We’re having a lot of fun with that!

I allowed myself to do what was delightful and released the idea that I had to work harder. I got really clear on how I wanted my business to look. And guess what! I received an awesome opportunity out of the blue that included all of the things I had decided I wanted in my business. I was able to get into action in a very focused way that felt good to me. I’m loving my business again! I’m excited about new things I’m doing! Yay! Easy is fun! Easy IS better!

I think in our action-oriented society it is hard for many of us to trust in doing what feels delightful. We think we need to MAKE things happen rather than ALLOW what we want to show up in ways we couldn’t have imagined. I still hear many business coaches and marketing “gurus” saying you have to take “massive” action to get what you want. That’s great if you love the action, but if you are frustrated, hate it, or not seeing it pay off, it’s time to re-think. When you can find the trust within yourself to follow your bliss you just might find creating what you want is easier than you ever thought possible.

[tweetthis hidden_hashtags=”#LifePurpose #LawofAttraction”]Find the trust within yourself to follow your bliss.[/tweetthis]

No matter what you are wanting to create in your life– purpose and meaningful work, a relationship, financial abundance, better health and fitness–being loving to yourself is essential.

Ask yourself, “What would be delightful?  What would feel good right now?”  Give yourself that gift.  Listen to the answer.  Then do it.  We do live in a physical world of polarity, so yes, action is required to manifest what we want.  But 99% of creating is energetic.  Visualizing, daydreaming about how it feels to already have it, getting quiet and listening within for a message, a feeling, or an image is all vitally important.  Then you’ll be able to take the action that feels good and brings results.  Have patience with this process and trust. It takes some time to shift your momentum in a new direction. If you are consistent it WILL shift.

I’d love to hear from you in the comments about your experience with doing more allowing and less “efforting!”