Everything You Want is Downstream

Image by Pixabay.com

I’m sure you’ve heard these phrases and others like them most of your life:

  • No pain, no gain
  • You can get what you want if you work hard
  • Life isn’t fair

We get taught from early on, that success comes only with struggle and even then, we might not achieve it.

The truth is, we didn’t come here to set ourselves up for struggle. We set ourselves up to experience contrast (things we don’t want) in order to know what we do want and then put all of our attention on that.

Abraham-Hicks shares an analogy to help us understand how to manifest the things we want in our lives:

“Imagine having a canoe and you go to a fast moving stream and put your canoe in the water and get in and you deliberately turn your canoe upstream and begin paddling against the current.


And we say to you, friend why don’t you just turn your canoe around and go with the current? And most people say, ‘What? That just seems lazy!  Anyone who amounts to anything is paddling upstream. All the monuments are made to those who struggle the hardest. And we’ve heard rumors that after you die all the rewards are given based on the power of your struggle.’


And we want to say to you than nothing you want is upstream, because we know the laws of the Universe. And we know that the expanded version of you stands in this vibrational place with the law of attraction responding to it. And we know the stream of life is about that and when you get cross-ways of that, the stream beats you up pretty good.


We want you to know one simple thing—when you are paddling upstream, negative emotion is present, which means you are talking about what you don’t want and you are looking at what-is in relationship to what you want and you are complaining about what-is.


When you are paddling upstream, all you have to do is just stop. Let go of the oars and let the stream turn your boat around. And this turning point is the point of RELIEF. And this turning point is enough. ALL the power you have right now is, feel worse or feel better. When you let go of the oars, there is no resistance.”

We all have an internal guidance system that lets us know if we are manifesting what we want or what we don’t want. It’s simple. When you feel bad, you’re a match to what you don’t want and when you feel good you’re a match to what you do want. So, the most important thing to do is be aware of HOW you FEEL. Are you paddling upstream against the current or are you allowing yourself to be carried downstream with the current?

When you notice you’re going against the current (feeling bad/resistance) make a conscious decision to reach for a better feeling thought. Or you can listen to music that feels good, watch a funny movie—anything that will allow you to gently lift the oars and let the current move you in the direction of your dreams.

All it takes is 17 seconds of deliberately focusing your thoughts in a positive, good-feeling direction to get the momentum shifted and law of attraction will begin to offer you more good feeling thoughts. After 68 seconds, you’ve changed your point of attraction.

Doing what feels good—and choosing that over making yourself do what you think you “should” be doing to be successful in life is a skill. It may seem like you’re being lazy or you’re a slacker.

Oh boy, have I fallen prey to that one! So many people telling me I have to market my business a certain way. Many of the “have to’s” are contradictory, leading to confusion and overwhelm on my part. I kept feeling like I wasn’t doing enough.

Here’s where I’ve landed—if it feels good to do it, then I’ll do it. If it doesn’t, I won’t. And since most marketing is not my highest joy, I got clear on what I wanted—someone to market my courses for me, who didn’t ask for payment until they sold. My immediate thought was, “Yeah, where am I going to find someone like that?” My next realization was that it wasn’t my job to know that. All I needed to do was bask in the good feelings of what I wanted, even though it seemed impossible. And you know what? Someone like that did show up! This person also helped me see how I could write an e-book (something I had been thinking about but resisting) in a way that was easy, fast and fun. And that’s how my e-book was born!

So, practice lifting the oars, doing what feels good and being clear about what you want. Enjoy the ride!

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Do you have a great manifesting story?  I’d love to see it in the comments below!  And if you need help with Law of Attraction processes to manifest your desires, take a look at my Magnetize to Manifest e-course.