Law of Attraction

Image by Robin Higgins from Pixabay

Even the most experienced deliberate creators can experience times of drought. I know I have! Or, maybe you’re new to practicing the principles of law of attraction and feel like you just can’t get started.

It can be a frustrating experience, and that’s exactly where the problem lies. When you have a big need for something to manifest in your life, that neediness is a clear signal to the Universe that you don’t have it. Your energy will be one of not having, so you keep aligning with not having.

So, if you decide to reach for something bigger than you’ve done before, or if a situation comes up that you really, really need to have happen in a certain way, you can actually work against yourself.  Your angst over it doesn’t allow you to be in alignment with having it.

Deliberately creating is about experiencing, in the present, what it’s like to already have what you want. We  only want things for how we think they’ll make us feel when we have them.  So to be in the vibrational vicinity of receiving, you need to feel the feelings of having what you want before you actually have it.

If you’re in a manifesting rut, let’s step back and have a little fun!

“Practice projects” are fun ways to strengthen your manifesting muscles and renew your faith in your ability to do this law of attraction thing.

Here’s what you do:
1. Think of something to manifest that you have no attachment to. This can be anything such as a penny, a red bird, a rainbow, etc. Just as long as you don’t really need it, but it would be fun to see.

2. Then, simply imagine seeing this thing and how much fun it is to play this game! Give it your gentle attention for just a few minutes each day.

3. Be open to how it shows up.

4. Celebrate when it shows up!

For my practice project I decided I’d like to manifest seeing a hawk.  A few days later I was scrolling though my Twitter feed and someone had posted an awesome picture of a harrier hawk. Voila! There was my hawk! Woot, woot!

I chose sunflowers next and again, after a few days I was standing in Whole Foods when an employee came by with a cart filled with sunflowers!  This is really such an easy and fun game.  It’s a little thrill when you see how easy it can be to manifest what you’re giving your attention and energy to.  At the same time, you’re practicing the exact vibration you need for what seems like the bigger things in your life.  Abraham always says it’s as easy to manifest a castle as it is a button.

I’ve always found the things I had just a gentle, “Oh that would be nice!” feeling about manifested fairly quickly. The things that felt big and important took a long time, if ever, to manifest. So the key is to relax and have fun with this—and all your manifesting!

What’s your practice project? I’d love to hear about your results! Share below in the comments.