manifest your purpose image

Photo by Danica Tanjutco on Unsplash

Someone in my Facebook group recently asked how to manifest your purpose once you know what it is. That’s a really good question!

Here’s where we put the law of attraction into play. Since 99% of manifesting is the energy work, this is a good place to start. Actions come only after you’ve gotten into alignment with your desires and that means feeling good!

Here are some suggestions for revving up the law of attraction:

1. Visualize already living your purpose

Use your five senses in imagining that you are already living your purpose. How would that feel? What would you be seeing and hearing? What would people be saying to you and what would you be saying to yourself? In some cases you might be smelling and/or tasting something. (Such as in a culinary path or as a florist, forest ranger, artist, etc.)

Pay especial attention to how you feel.

See it playing out in your mind as vividly as you can. How would someone living their wonderful purpose act?

Start your day with 5 minutes of this and do it again before bed. Those are the times when your mind is most relaxed and open.

2. Let go of stressing over how to make it happen.

Your job is to allow it to happen. When you hold on to needing it to show up at a certain time or in a certain way, you actually stop the flow of opportunities that are trying to come to you. Stressing over the action steps and working hard, don’t get you what you want.

(OK, working hard sometimes can, but it’s no fun and takes a lot longer.)

Be open to your purpose manifesting in ways that surprise and delight you! Cultivate a feeling of joyful expectation. When you’re feeling good, inspired actions will occur to you, one step at a time. Then, take those actions.

The formula is: Focus on what you want, feel good and then take whatever action feels good. Do this even if the action doesn’t seem practical.

3. Notice what you’re thinking and shift out of negativity

Because we’ve been influenced by family, society, and others, we’ve all picked up negative thought patterns. These include feelings of not being deserving of what we want and not being “enough” in some way. Once you start paying attention, you’ll realize that most of your inner self-talk is negative. When you notice this, congratulate yourself for noticing because now you’re empowered to change it!

There are many processes to help with this. Question your thoughts. Just because you have a thought doesn’t make it true. Instead of focusing on what can go wrong or why you can’t have what you want, think instead about, “What if I can have what I want? What if this was all easier than I could have possibly imagined?”

You do deserve to have what you want and if the desire is there, so is the path to it. As you practice turning your thoughts to more positive ones that support your dreams, you will change your “default” thinking and it will get easier.

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If you’d like help with more law of attraction processes to manifest your purpose (or anything else!), I invite you to schedule a strategy session with me!