alt=" 2 girls showing how life purpose and your health relate"

Image by Jess Foami from Pixabay

Did you know that having purpose in your life can actually improve your health?

Or maybe its just that when you have a purpose in your life, your body’s natural state of health returns! I know my health took a big dip when I was feeling burned out and unhappy at my job. Once I really understood my purpose and began to take the steps to create it in my life, my health improved.

What science has to say

Science seems to agree with that assessment. According to a study published in JAMA Current Open, having a purpose in life may decrease your risk of dying. The study found that people who didn’t have a strong purpose were more likely to die earlier than those who did, and specifically more likely to die of cardiovascular diseases. Researchers were surprised by the results. This was not the only study to come to the same conclusions.

Interestingly, Louise Hay, in her book, ” Heal Your Body” said the emotional/energetic cause of varicose veins, a circulatory condition, is not liking your life.

Dr. Patricia Boyle, a neuropsychologist at the Rush Alzheimer’s Disease Center in Chicago, found that people with a low sense of life purpose were 2.4 times as likely to get Alzheimer’s disease than those with a strong purpose.

This all makes perfect sense to me.  Losing my sense of purpose and being in a toxic work environment increased my levels of stress. I took the stress of work home with me, so there was very little relief.  As a result, I was often sick.

I didn’t have the tools then that I do now to get back to my peaceful center. My purpose journey was about learning those tools and processes as well as finding what I loved to do in the next phase of my life.

Other factors that contribute to your purpose and health

There are many factors that contribute to a person’s overall well-being and purpose is often associated with them. Some examples are your spirituality, connection to your community, and your relationships. For some people, their purpose involves a link to nature or the arts. Purpose is always about what you love and brings joy to you.

Getting out of a stressful and unfulfilling environment is only one step. You need to know what you’re moving toward.

Some questions you may ask yourself are:

1. What am I passionate about?
2.  What makes time fly by?
3.  What are my talents? (Things that come easily to you)
4.  What causes do I care about?
5.  Where do I feel the happiest?

Continue to ask yourself these questions and see what comes up for you. One suggestion is to journal about them.  Journaling is a great way to free up your thinking and allow for inspiration.

And, of course, I’m here to help!

Here’s to a long, happy, healthy, fulfilling and purposeful life!