Compassion is defined by psychologists as “the emotional response when perceiving suffering and involves an authentic desire to help.”

It’s closely related to empathy, which is the ability to understand and feel another person’s feelings.  The key to compassion is the desire to help.  It’s about being thoughtful and kind.

This article will be focused on compassion for others and how we can help.  It’s important to note, however, that it is important to offer yourself compassion too.

Mother Teresa is a stellar example of a lifetime of compassion.  While most of us are not able to do all the things that she did, there are many ways to act with compassion as we go through life.

How to Practice Compassion

1.  The first thing you need to do is become aware of what the other person is feeling.  Put yourself in their shoes and imagine what you would be feeling in a similar situation.

2.  Showing compassion means you empathize with the person’s situation without judgement.  While we do create our lives, none of us gets through it without making mistakes or bad decisions.  Let go of any impulse to criticize. Accept people where they are and do the same for yourself!

3.  Forgiveness is another way to show compassion. Forgive another who did something that hurt you.  Practicing forgiveness allows you both to move forward.  Also, apologize if you are the one who has done something thoughtless.  Owning your own mistakes also shows compassion to others.

4.  Being a good listener is an important element of compassion.  People don’t need you to fix things for them.  They need understanding and they may need support or assistance to change their circumstances.  That is different from doing it for them. 

5.  One thing you may not have thought of as compassion is being happy for someone else’s success!  To truly be happy for that person surrounds them with love and raises your own vibration as well. 

6. There is also compassion for others in poverty or impacted by war or a disaster.  If it’s possible to make a monetary donation, do so.  If it’s not, there are usually ways to donate your time to help ease the pain of others.

Encourage people and be patient.  Changes don’t happen overnight.

Holding a High Vibration

As a law of attraction coach I want to put in a caveat here.  It’s important, while being empathetic, to keep your own vibration high.  This may seem like a paradox.  However, you don’t help others by lowering your vibration to where they are. You’re not in a position do any good unless you come from a higher vibration to help lift them up.  

Here we need to look more closely at the difference between empathy and compassion.  With empathy you are feeling with the person.  With compassion you are feeling for the person with a desire to help. Compassion allows you to avoid getting pulled in to the suffering person’s vibration and suffering “empathy fatigue” yourself.

One of the highest vibrations there is, is love.  It’s important to get into your heart as soon as you can and hold a space for them.  Holding a space is simply radiating that loving energy to them.  If there is an action to take, you can take it, while staying in that high vibration.

You can also work on an energetic level.  Doing a Metta Meditation (Loving Kindness) is one way to do that. I highly recommend this practice.

The Effects of Compassion

While practicing compassion helps others, it also has benefits for the person providing the compassionate help.

1.  Compassion and purpose:  It feels good to help others and that can contribute to a greater sense of purpose in your life.  Giving to others feels good and raises your sense of happiness and well-being.  

2.  Studies have shown being compassionate can actually raise your level of health.  Living a meaningful life strengthens immunity to disease and lowers inflammation and depression.  

3.  Being compassionate improves your interpersonal relationships.

4.  Compassion lowers aggression and promotes better understanding.  It can open our perspective to new ways of thinking and understanding others.

How has compassion impacted your life? I’d love to hear your thoughts and comments below.