“Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow.” — Melody Beattie

One of the highest vibrations there is, is appreciation. Genuine appreciation for what you already have aligns you with a higher flow and you become a vibrational match to everything you desire. But more importantly, it just feels good! And feeling good is really what it’s all about anyway. There isn’t anything we want for any other reason.

Gratitude is closely aligned with appreciation. Here is where we can take it a step farther. Can you feel grateful for what is not yet manifest in your life? When you imagine what you want, are you able to enter into the virtual reality of it so completely that it brings you joy to think of it? If you can imagine it with all of your senses engaged, seeing and feeling and hearing yourself interacting with it, feeling gratitude for it, then you will surely manifest it into physical reality. Your subconscious mind doesn’t know if you are living something in the past, the future or the present. To the subconscious, it is all happening now.

Gratitude for and appreciation of what has not yet appeared to you in physical reality is a true act of faith and trust. All of the great teachers and masters we have observed always gave thanks before the the thing was done. Christ gave thanks before he healed someone, not after he saw it accomplished. There was never any doubt in his mind as to the outcome. This level of gratitude shifts you into a place of perfect alignment with that larger part of you–your soul, which immediately becomes the vibrational equivalent of your desire the moment you first think of it.

Manifesting your higher purpose, or true calling, is no different than manifesting the house, or car or relationship you want. Imagine yourself living your life doing what you love and all those who will benefit from that. If you aren’t sure of what that is or how others may benefit, simply create a symbol for it and energize that symbol with light. Imagine the good feelings you have when every day is filled with activities you love. Be grateful you have found your path and that you know you are valuable with a unique gift to give the world. Feel the appreciation you have for all the experiences you have had along the way that have prepared you for this moment.

As you gather with family or friends this Thanksgiving allow the true meaning of this holiday to permeate your being. No matter how your situation appears to you now, even if you are experiencing economic or other hardships, there is always something to feel grateful for. That vibration of appreciation and gratitude is what allows in the well-being that is always flowing to you. “Living the wish fulfilled” causes it to show up in your physical reality. Know that it is done and be grateful.