“Miracles are Love in Action.”

When was the last time you received a miracle? When was the last time you created a miracle?

We tend to think of miracles as happening only rarely, or only to special people. We certainly don’t think we can be the source of a miracle. It’s a good time of year to take another look at the idea of miracles.

As we know from the law of attraction, what we focus our attention on with emotion we attract. How we focus our attention is largely a matter of what we believe. If you believe that miracles can’t happen for you, you create that reality for yourself. If, on the other hand, you believe in the abundance and well-being that flows, then you open yourself up to miracles.

Take a look at your life. Have you ever received something good that was unexpected, or more than you expected it to be? Did you ever have the feeling of divine intervention as something occurred just when you needed it? Have you ever provided something for someone else just when they needed it that was unexpected by them? These are miracles! Miracles come about out of love. Love is the most powerful and the highest vibration of the universe. To create and receive miracles, you need only to be in a state of love. Love puts you into a higher flow and attracts more miracles, love and good things to you. When you focus your attention on being loving to others and yourself, you are in a position to give and receive miracles.

Miracles are meant to be a part of our lives. Often, a miracle will happen as a result of a crisis, as that is when we tend to go deep within and ask for help. I know that has certainly happened to me. The rapidity with which my asking was answered gave me goose bumps! The key is to learn to go deep within without having the crisis.

At an Abraham-Hicks workshop in 1997 they said:
“When the contrast gets greater, the desire gets greater too and that’s what miracles are from. A miracle is nothing more than a terrible situation that has caused a strong desire and then somehow an alignment of energy with that desire. Everyday life creativity. That’s all it is.”

Learning to get quiet and go within and ask that part of you that already has the answers eliminates the need for crisis. Your soul is always radiating love to you. It is wise and sees the broader perspective. Frequent reaching inward and upward to your soul will strengthen your contact and teach you how to hear your inner guidance. That will create miracles in your life.

Practice every day to extend love, especially to those who are more difficult to love! Extend understanding and forgiveness. When you spend money, see it as a gift of love. When you receive money, see that as a gift of love coming back to you. The key is always how you feel. When you feel good, you are in the flow of well-being the universe is offering to you at all times. Feeling good is always your indicator of alignment with what you want—more money, a better career, your divine purpose, a relationship, health. Feeling good, radiating love, will attract more miracles to you. Demonstrate your love with action.

Intend to have miracles in your life and learn to recognize them and appreciate them. Miracles come from opening our hearts and can overcome any obstacle. Have faith and trust in yourself. Be open to how what you want will be delivered to you. I know I was expecting money to come from a certain source, but it didn’t. So, I kept believing it could come in other ways and it did. I consider that a miracle! Circumstances in your life can change more quickly than you might think. Any situation you are in is only temporary. The key is always how you feel.

Open yourself up to receive, as the universe cannot give you a miracle if you are not open to receiving it. Get into vibrational alignment with the idea of allowing your good to flow to you. You are a part of the All-That-Is and miracles are your birthright.

“If you are willing to open your heart, to love yourself and others, life will always be a miracle…The greatest miracle is life itself. You are the miracle and you can create anything you want, which is another great miracle.”

~Sanaya Roman/Orin