alt= "Woman thinking about her purpose and how the expectations of others are holding her back"

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One of the barriers to pursuing your purpose is the expectations of others. They may fear you’re not making a good decision for yourself, or that it might impact them or the family negatively. These expectations about your life path could come from parents, spouses or others close to you.

It may be that your parents had fears that what you wanted to do wouldn’t pay the bills. Perhaps they didn’t consider your desires a sophisticated enough calling. They may have wanted you to pursue the same career path as they did, or join a family business. These expectations can be a powerful influence in your life. You don’t want to disappoint your family. However, you can make a change in your life at any stage.

Later, a spouse may have fears about you taking a risk and making changes. Perhaps you worry about what your friends or colleagues may think if you begin to take the steps to pursue what you have come to realize is the thing that you feel most passionate about. There may be a lot of well-meaning people raining on your parade, telling you all the reasons why what you want isn’t a good idea.

Here’s how to stop the expectations of others from holding you back.

Realize this is your life and no one else can live it for you.

You owe it to yourself to heed your inner urgings and take the steps to living your dream. NO ONE else can possibly know what that is. Only you know what lights you up inside. That feeling is your inner being guiding you to fulfill your highest purpose in this lifetime. When you disregard it, it can lead to unhappiness, false fatigue and even illness. When you don’t put yourself first, you will burn out and have nothing left to give.

Make sure you are really clear about what is necessary for your change.

Research the steps you will need to take. Will you need to go back to school or get a certification to do what you want? It may serve you to get qualified help in understanding how to bring about the changes that are necessary to do what you desire. This will help you feel confident and help you to stand in your own power. You will be clear about the direction you are going in and able to express it. When you are confident and have a plan in place, it’s easier to talk to people about what you

Don’t try to convince anyone.

Others, especially a spouse, are most likely coming from their fears of change and possible income and time adjustment. In that vibrational state they will not be able to hear what you see as your truth and will automatically push against it. Pushing back will create an energy of conflict. Instead, come from your heart and share that what you are doing now is simply not sustainable for you. It’s time for a positive change and you would really appreciate the other person’s support in doing it. When you approach it from an empowered and emotionally balanced state, equipped with a solutions-focused attitude, you will have much more success in gaining support. But do remember—while support is wonderful, you don’t need any one else’s permission to live your purpose.

Take a good look at what you like about your current situation and what you don’t like.

Change to something new doesn’t necessarily need to be a quick and radical shift. There may be ways to tweak some things about where you are to ease your situation until you can make the full change gradually to something new. You can take steps to move in a new direction while still where you are. This approach may be easier on you and reassuring to those around you, especially family members. Only you can assess how staying in a job that is miserable and unfulfilling is affecting you and how quickly you need to make a move.

In our society we are not taught to put ourselves first. We worry about looking selfish and how going for what we want may upset the equilibrium of our home life. The truth is, we are all here with purposes to fulfill. If you turn away from them, you will have not only robbed yourself of your highest joy and expansion, but you will have also robbed the world of your greatest gifts.