Joyful manWhat we want in life we create first in our minds, with a clear vision, adding the feelings of excitement and whatever else we may expect to feel when we have it. We begin with the end in mind. As my friend Steve Maraboli says, “You have to be it to see it.”

From that point of clarity we can begin to develop a plan of action to get us from where we are to where we want to be. Since we live in a physical universe, action is required to bring us what we want. A plan of action is good and necessary. It gives us a direction to head toward and getting into action can free up energy and feel good.

That said, remaining open and flexible to what life presents is also vital to following our passions and living our purpose. When we become so wedded to our plan and being in action that we don’t remain flexible and open to what feels good in the moment, we can miss vital opportunities. When you are extremely clear about what you want, you are giving a clear message to the universe. Then all the forces of Divinity are with you in bringing about what you want. You may be surprised at what shows up. When you learn to recognize the gifts the universe is sending you and act upon them bringing about what you desire becomes much easier and flowing. They appear as synchronicities.

An example is given by Janet Bray Attwood in the book, The Passion Test that she co-authored with Chris Attwood.  Janet had a passion to go to India to interview the enlightened masters. Nothing could pull her off of this vision. Certain things she needed to make the trip and complete the project were not falling into place, however. In the meantime, she discovered that her dear stepmother was dying and had only a few months to live. Janet’s new passion became caring for her and making the last months of her life life as comfortable and enjoyable as she could. As it turned out, her stepmother passed in three weeks. During that time, she and Janet bonded in love. Several things happened during that time that Janet could never have predicted.

  • A friend called wanting her to meet an enlightened master that was visiting in the area. It turned out he felt a strong past life bond to Janet’s stepmother and he came to the house to see her.  At the end of the visit he invited Janet to stay with him and his family in India.
  • Janet’s stepmother had left her a large sum of money that Janet had had no previous knowledge of. She now had the funds to make the trip.
  • And–the videographer she had wanted to take with her and had been previously unavailable, was now free to go.

Janet made a choice in favor of her heart and passions, chose the action that felt right and good to her in the moment, and ended up with both the memory of time well spent with her stepmother and the way to her passion to go to India and complete her project easily cleared.

There are many other examples of how staying open to what is in the moment can produce results that seem to come about miraculously. This is the path of joy, rather than the path of struggle. So much more fun!

So, make a plan and begin to take action on it, while holding the delightful vision of what you want clearly in mind. And when faced with a choice or decision, ask yourself, “Does this feel like expansion or contraction?” Head in the direction of expansion, even if it seems counter-intuitive. Stay open to the possibilities the universe presents to you.


Need help getting into alignment with your passions and life purpose?  Schedule your free Life Purpose Discovery Session with me here.