[tweetthis hidden_hashtags=”#Meditation #LOA”]How to Keep Your Center When the World Seems to be Falling Apart[/tweetthis]

Morguefile : Balance

When I get the newspaper, I mainly get it for the Style section, which includes the comics and crossword. (Yes, I love the crossword puzzles!)  I don’t find it useful to inundate myself with what the news mostly focuses on, which is the worst things that are happening in the world. Nevertheless, I don’t always manage to avoid the headlines–and I now challenge myself to keep informed so I know where to put my light.

Reading or hearing about the acts of intentional and random violence taking place, the people fleeing war torn countries who may or may not find refuge, bigotry and all the other types of suffering people as well as animals and the environment undergo–not to mention outrageous political shenanigans–is enough to make you throw up your hands in despair.  Yet there is an opportunity here for those who are on a path of awakening.

All of this is based in fear.  When people believe in scarcity, there is fear.  Acts of violence have their root in fear.  Politicians stir up the populace to fear.  We can counter this energy by anchoring more positivity, love and light in the world.

When we hear about random acts  of violence–practice random acts of kindness.  When we hear of parts of the world where there is war or injustice, send loving thoughts.  Visualize the best in people coming alive.  Intend that people everywhere are opening up to the realization that we are all one and connected.  This may seem like a Pollyanna approach, but there is more power in love than in fear and the more people who practice an open heart and directly broadcast love and light to places, situations and people who need it the more impact we have.  This doesn’t mean we don’t take action.  If you can volunteer, or financially donate to organizations that offer aid, do so.  But also understand that you do more good than you realize by opening your heart and anchoring that higher love and higher light on the planet through your own opening.

Take a few moments every day to get quiet connect with your soul.  It always responds to your call, whether you sense it or not.  You can connect with it simply by thinking of it.  Ask for extra light and energy and imagine yourself filling up with your soul’s light.  Feel your cells drinking up this light and then extending the light out beyond your body.  While you are in this state of love, peace and light, simply think briefly of a situation, place, or people who could use more light.

Blending with your soul is more powerful than you can imagine.

“You become the love that heals, the sun that warms and nurtures. You become the love that allows all that is good to emerge and blossom.” ~ Orin