Law of Attraction not working?Have you been trying to manifest what you want and just not seeing it show up?  If so, you’re not alone.  While the concept of the law of attraction is by now well known, many people still struggle with just how to apply it and get the outcomes they are looking for.

While the concept is simple—what you place your energy, focus and attention on, you attract—there are subtleties that need to be understood.

 1.  Thinking you have to keep asking for what you want: Once you’ve identified a desire, the Universe knows it. You don’t have to keep repeatedly asking. By repeatedly asking, you put yourself in a place of doubt. When you are in doubt about actually receiving what you want, you are not in vibrational alignment with the outcome you desire.

Think of it this way. If you go into a restaurant and place your order with the waiter, you don’t keep checking back to make sure he relayed it to the chef. You trust that the order was placed and you enjoy time with your friends as you wait for your food to arrive.

Two things are of note here—Trust and enjoyment. When you place your order with the Universe, trust that it will arrive and enjoy the idea that your delicious outcome is on its way. Get into the feeling of, ”It is done!”

If you enjoy looking at pictures of what you want, do so. If you enjoy writing stories about what you want, do that. If you enjoy spending some time everyday visualizing about already having what you want, do that. If you’d prefer to not think of it and just appreciate and enjoy the things/people/experiences already in your life, do that.

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2.  Thinking your words alone will create: Your words are powerful in that they can define what you want and indicate your point of focus.  However, the Universe responds to vibration, and your vibration is a direct result of how you Feel. Once you know what it is you want to manifest, “skip to the end” and imagine the good feelings you will have. Imagine that you already manifested your desire and “wear” that feeling.  Spending just a few minutes each day getting into the feelings you expect to have, as if you already have them, will put you into vibrational alignment with your desired creation.

3.  Not living in the present moment:   When you get so focused on what you want that isn’t here yet, you are out of alignment and miss opportunities and inspirations that are trying to come to you. Worry about the future will keep what you want away because you can only experience what you are a vibrational match to.

While 99% of manifesting your desire is about “being,” there is that 1% that requires action on your part. Often the action is something very simple that feels effortless, enjoyable and even may seem like a whim. That kind of “flow” only happens if you are open. So, use any excuse to feel good. Appreciate the things in your life that are already here. Find things to laugh about. Be kind. All of these are of a high vibration and cause you to be open to inspiration and opportunity that you can act on.

4.  Talking about what is going wrong:   How much time do you spend talking about what you don’t want, but see as your reality, as opposed to talking about what you feel excited or happy about? It can be so tempting to join in the “gripe-fest” that occurs so often at work or social events. When someone asks you how you’re doing, how do you answer?

What you speak about is an indicator of where you’re placing your energy, focus and attention. There is always something you can speak about that is positive and upbeat. If you catch yourself complaining or talking about how bad things are—whether personally or globally—stop and ask yourself,  “What DO I want?” You’ll find the mind comes up with answers to the questions you ask!

Lastly, don’t beat yourself up if you slip. I’ve been practicing the principles of law of attraction for years and I still catch myself. Beating yourself up over not being perfect is a real downward spiral. Forgive yourself, love yourself and move on to beautiful thoughts and feelings.

If  you would like some help with these principles or with how to apply them to manifesting your life purpose, I’d be happy to help! You can contact me or sign up for a complimentary Life Purpose Strategy Session here.