More than one purpose

This is a question that I get asked and the short answer is yes. However, it’s important to really understand what is meant by purpose. And if you feel you have more than one purpose, the question becomes how to coordinate them.

So, what is life purpose?

Purpose is about what gives you pleasure and meaning. It can be focused on your own personal growth and/or it can be about the contribution you want to make in the world. Purpose in NOT driven by what society holds up as the current values or what others around you think you should do.  Society’s values are always in flux and what was looked up to in one era changes in the next. Look beyond the mass thought forms and go within to find your purpose.

In Sanaya Roman’s book, “Living With Joy,” she states:

“When you look at life purpose, ask your soul and yourself, “Am I doing this for me, for my highest good, or am I doing it to please others, to live up to their image of me? Am I accomplishing this purpose so I might receive a pat on the back, or recognition? Or am I doing it because it is something I want to do, that fits who I am and that brings me joy?”

It really is about how you feel. An important question to ask yourself is, “How do I want to feel?” Peace, excitement, joy, accomplishment, a sense of belonging, freedom?

When you are in touch with how you want to feel and bring that feeling into yourself now, your life will reflect that around you.

What do you do when you think you have more than one purpose?

As you travel through life and grow, your preferences may change. What was once a passion may no longer excite you. You may have discovered new passions, developed new skills or a desire to express other talents you have. It’s good to take stock periodically and see if you are still excited by what you’ve been doing and where you might want to make tweaks. You may find you want to pursue something completely new.

You may be a “Da Vinci” type of person, who has many talents and passions you enjoy at the same time and you’re having trouble choosing between them. What if you don’t have to choose? Is there a way you could blend them? Could you express one passion as a career and another as a hobby or volunteer activity?

Are you someone who likes to focus in on one thing at a time or are you someone who likes to have multiple projects going?

If you enjoy multiple projects, experiment with how you could organize your time to include all of the pursuits that bring you joy and fulfillment. If you like to focus in on one thing at a time, decide on the top priority to start on and how the others fall into place after that.  When you are in an emotional place of joy, excitement, or engagement, the time for what you want to do will show up.

There really is no “should” when it comes to purpose. Before you got here, you, as a soul, arranged a few things in advance. You choose your parents and geographic location and some life conditions to aim you in a certain direction. Your life is giving you clues all the time as to your purpose.

You also have free will. You are free to make choices moment to moment as you go through life. As soon as you let go of what you think you “should” do, and focus on what you love, everything begins to fall into place. And when your own life is working, you positively affect those around you.

If you need more help tuning into your purpose or sorting through your passions, I invite you to schedule your complimentary Life Purpose Strategy Session here.