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I write about life purpose as meaningful work a lot, since many people come to me with that concern. They want to connect with work that they love and makes a contribution to the larger whole.

Purpose is also about your spiritual growth, and the career you choose is most certainly part of that growth. The relationships, challenges, joy, laughter, and decisions you make are also all part of your spiritual growth and your purpose for being here.

Your purpose is always playful and joyful. I think one of the main things that holds us back from living our purpose is stressing over it! What is it you desire to create? Who would you like to serve? What feels delightful to you?

All the things we desire to create lead us to focusing our attention and energy in ways that can cause us to grow. Every time we inject ease, joy, peace, fun and laughter into our lives, we grow.

We all come into this life with certain energies we want to evolve. How we go about that is a matter of free choice as we move through life. Every time we eat better, exercise more, connect more deeply with a loved one, we grow.

The Influence of Societal Thought Forms

Society has mass beliefs and thought forms about what makes someone successful and what is worthwhile. There is often a lot of pressure to live up to the expectations of society. Right now we have a lot of emphasis on being productive and making certain milestones by a certain time. You may feel pressure from family and friends to live up to societal expectations.

But society’s values are always changing. All you have to do is look at history to realize that.

Imagine if you freed yourself from societal values and chose your life path based entirely upon what brings you joy and feels in alignment with who you really are.

What if having a peaceful life, or being a good parent, for example, was more important to you than making a lot of money or being well known?

Here are some questions to ask yourself to help clarify your purpose:

1. What would you do if you were alone—if there was no one who would either benefit or loose from your choice? Would that change the choices you’re making?

2. What brings you peace and joy?

3. What do you value in yourself?

4. How do you want to feel?

Moving Out of Scarcity Mentality

When we’re in transition, we often feel confused and create a crisis for ourselves. I know I did—more than once! That’s because we have a scarcity mentality in our society and are afraid there won’t be something to replace what we want to transition out of. We aren’t taught how to let go of the things that no longer have a purpose in our lives.

Instead of feeling fear, focus on what you want to create in your life. Connect with the feelings of already having it. What you see around you right now is just the result of your past thinking. By shifting your energy, focus and attention onto what you want to create, you will create it. Believe in yourself and trust that the Universe has your back. Act from a place of alignment and not from fear. If you have a desire, you also have the ability to create it.

In so doing, you are living your purpose.

If you need help connecting with your purpose, I’m here for you.  Pick up your free report, “Visioning Your Purpose and Heading Toward It Today”  or schedule a complimentary Life Purpose Strategy Session here.