alt= "yin-yang symbol as a representitive of the Universal Law of Polarity"

Image by Gordon Johnson from Pixabay

You know about the Law of Attraction. But did you know there are other Universal Laws as well? Understanding them can help us expand our creative power as we go through our lives.  One of those laws is the Universal Law of Polarity.

The Law of Polarity states:

There is an equal and exact opposite to everything. Nothing exists alone. Forces exist as pairs of opposites.

This quote from Hiram Pagan, may help you further understand the Universal Law of Polarity:

“ Everything can be separated into two wholly opposite parts, and each of those still contains the potentiality of the other.”

Think yin/yang symbol. One cannot exist without the other. Each is contained within the other.

Simply put, we live in duality: up-down, left-right, light-dark, good-bad, day-night, healthy-ill, cold-hot, north-south, positron-electron.

Duality teaches us what we prefer to experience and helps us recognize how to change our thinking to create that preferred experience in our lives.  We know we prefer happiness because we’ve experienced sorrow. We like health because we’ve experienced illness.

Most of us are somewhere along the spectrum of polarities on most subjects.

So how do we use the Law of Polarity in our lives?

Take a look at any situation in your life and ask, “How am I thinking and behaving around this situation?”

When you find yourself in a negative experience or state of mind, you’re focusing on one end of the polarity. Why hang around only the negative end? Learning how to switch your thinking between the polarities is the first step.

When you understand the law of polarity, you realize there is an alternative to any experience. You can always choose the opposite if you find yourself thinking negatively.

If you are experiencing the negative end, first look at what it is teaching you. Once learned, turn your attention to the positive end you want to experience.

So, for example, you may be thinking, “I hate my job. I don’t feel fulfilled or happy.”  Ask yourself:

What am I learning from this?

Perhaps that you’d prefer to do something that you enjoy and something that has meaning for you. Very simply, you want to love your job and feel like it matters. You want to look forward to what you do every day. Perhaps this field is not a good match for you.  You may not be acting in harmony with your authentic self, or honoring yourself.

What are my alternatives?

Start exploring the things you know you enjoy and what is important to you. Begin focusing your attention on the opposite of what you’re experiencing now—how would it feel to look forward to your work every day and know you’re making an impact? Focus your energy and attention on that.

What Action steps could I take?

These could be making plans to go back to school or take some form of certification training. It could be seeing where you could make changes in your current position, or updating your resumé to apply for different jobs, while holding the expectation that your desires will manifest.

You can do the same with relationships, your finances, health issues—anything.

Your desire is the positive polarity you want to experience and your expectation that you can achieve it is what brings it to you. The positive expectation is what puts you in vibrational harmony with what you want to attract.

On a larger scale, we have been experiencing some dark days in our country. The violence and chaos are one end of the polarity. As we see this unfold, a desire is born in us that we want something better. What is the other end? Peace, inclusiveness, caring, kindness, order, love, integrity.

Each of us has power over how we choose to think and feel and where we place our attention and intention. Let’s work together to create what we want to see in our lives and in the world.

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