alt= "Earth with a network of interconnectedness"
Image by Gerd Altman at Pixabay

The 12 universal laws are our guideposts to creating lives we love and help us expand into our spiritual growth.   The Law of Divine Oneness is the basis for all of the other universal laws.  It’s at the core of who we are and our relationship to all life.

It states, simply, that everything in the universe is energetically interconnected, both the seen and unseen. 

As we look at matter with the aid of powerful electron microscopes, we discover  that all matter, including our bodies, is comprised of energy.  Energy vibrates at certain frequencies.  At the soul level we are pure energy and we all come from the same one Source energy.

I remember my father, who was a scientist, stating one day out of the blue, “There are particles that respond to each other over long distances and there are particles that can move backward in time.”  I was so amazed at this proclamation that I sat in stunned silence and never asked him to elaborate!  But now I understand that we are energy and energy is connected.  There is nothing that lives in isolation, cut off from the rest of life.  This is true for people, plants, animals, the mineral kingdom and the Earth itself.  

So how do we practice the Law of Divine Oneness in our daily lives?  

Everything we do affects the whole.  Have you ever walked into a room when someone has been angry and felt the tension even though no one is arguing?  The same is true for being around someone who is happy.  You feel that energy of happiness and your own mood improves.

When you let go of judgement (of yourself and others) and get more into your heart, you radiate energy of a high vibration that will positively affect the collective consciousness.  When you act from kindness and compassion, it has a ripple effect that goes out and perpetuates that energy. 

We all have Source energy flowing through us.  When you begin to understand that and tap into it, you raise your vibration.  Make a choice to create more joy, aliveness and love in your life. 

Meditation is one great way to connect with higher energies and open your heart to more joy and love.   Appreciating beauty, being in nature, playing with your pet, reading inspirational books, playing your favorite uplifting music, exercising, and creating art are all other ways of getting into a high vibe. 

The great news is that as you raise your own vibration you benefit from this improved state of consciousness as well as anchoring more of it in the world.  

Be more aware of your thoughts and feeling state and elevate it by whatever method you prefer.  This will make a positive contribution to the collective consciousness—and that is Purpose.