alt= "Fractal energy"
Image by Enrique Meseguer from Pixabay 

The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy states that energy is always in flux, or continuous change.  While energy can’t be created or destroyed it is always in motion, changing from one state to another.

This prevents stagnation and allows us to utilize this power to create our reality.  You can see this working out in nature and within ourselves.  

How does the Law of Transmutation of Energy Work?

Bob Procter gives a great example of how this law works.  He points out we exist as spiritual and the polar opposite, physical.  In between is the imagination.  The non-physical always manifests through the physical.

He gives the example of a glass of water with ice in it.  All of these are energy at their core.  The glass was once sand, but the energy of extreme heat was applied to it to transform it into glass. The ice was once water, but because we added the energy of cold to it, it transformed into ice.  If we add the energy of heat to the water, it becomes steam and with more heat it becomes air or gas.  Water never disappears from the earth, it simply transforms.

Transmuting Energy Within Ourselves

It works the same way within us.  You can transmute your emotions, which are energy, into manifestations. If you are feeling the energy of anger or even fear, for example, you can use it productively by channeling it into the power of a good workout or a soothing meditation. You’ll feel the anger or fear dissipating and a calmer state of mind arising.  

It’s important that you pay attention to your feelings, because unresolved feelings will transfer into your body and can then show up as disease, or a constant underlying feeling of anxiety.  You can transmute negative feelings by reaching for a better feeling thought.

You are the one who has control of your thoughts and you have the power to change a thought into one that feels better.  Thoughts transmute into things.  Thoughts give rise to our feelings and feelings determine our behavior.  As you show up more positively in the world, you’re a match to all the good things you desire.

If you feel excitement, joy, love or other high vibrations, ride that wave into creating what you want to see in your life. Energy is always moving in and out of form.  Focus your energy and imagination on your ideal life.

Also take notice of your outside environments.  What is the energetic quality of your relationships, work environment and home environment?   Are they expressing positive or negative energy?  If negative, focus your energy on what you would prefer.  See what ideas occur to you and take positive action steps when appropriate.  Remember the power of your imagination to create, by tapping into the positive energies around you.

In Closing

At first glance, the Law of the Perpetual Transmutation of Energy can seem like one of the more difficult laws to understand.  But it comes down to the idea that energy is always moving and transmuting.  We can utilize it by being aware of the energy within us and around us and directing it with our thoughts and imaginations to create.

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The Universal Law of Divine Oneness

The Universal Law of Polarity