alt= "Hands holding a sapling to represent embracing the new"
Image by Pexels from Pixabay 

Feeling stuck in connecting with your purpose or moving forward in your life?  If so, it’s time to shake things up by embracing the new!   Staying with the same routine every day, day after day, doesn’t allow for growth, change and new ideas.

The pandemic caused a lot of upheaval.  Some businesses closed. Others stayed open while people had to adjust to working from home, figuring out how to accommodate child care and work.

It was a stressful time, but there was also the opportunity to think in new ways. As a result, many people grew and discovered things within themselves that they didn’t know were there. New ideas emerged for businesses and ways to re-structure the work day.  

Wouldn’t it be nice to skip a pandemic and change things up for ourselves?  So how do we do that?

Begin by trying new things and meeting new people. 

Ideas to Shake Up Your Routine

1.  Read a different type of book than you normally choose.

2.  Take a different route to work.

3.  Visit a museum you’ve never been to before. 

4.  Strike up a conversation with someone new at your workplace or other gathering.

5.  Buy a clothing item in a different color than you usually wear.  

6.  While we’re talking about color— Surround yourself with color!  Paint an accent wall in a room, put flowers around your house or workplace, put up some new art in your house, get some new colorful throw pillows.  Bright colors improve your mood.  What else can you think of?

7.  Listen to a new podcast, audio book or music.

8.  Get the StarWalk app on your phone and see if you can spot Mars, Jupiter, Saturn etc.  (I did spot Mars correctly the other night!) 

9.  Sign up for a new class.  Is there something you’ve been wanting to learn or try your hand at?  Learn a different language, play an instrument, an art class, French cooking, yoga? Stop putting it off and go for it!

10.  Take a mini-adventure on the weekends.  Try hiking or going somewhere you’ve never been.  Get outdoors!

11.  Try a new restaurant or order something new at a familiar restaurant.  

12.  Brush your teeth differently.  If you normally start at the left and work right, start at the right and work left.  

13.  If you’re not doing so already, incorporate some sort of exercise into your day.  This could be anything such as walking, biking, dancing, or taking a fitness class that appeals  to you.

14. Look for opportunities to change up some of your responsibilities at work.  Is there a skill or talent you have that’s not being utilized?  Here are some  other tips on how to make your job more fun.

These are just some of the things you can do to get out of the routine and stimulate your mind and body.  In many cases it’s also an opportunity to meet new people.   Shaking up your routine and embracing the new stimulates the growth mindset and can lead to new ideas and new directions in your life.

What else can you think of?  I’d love to hear how you changed your routine and what happened as a result!  Share in the comments below.