alt= "Signs showing opposites or polarity"
Image by John Hain from Pixabay 

The Law of Polarity states that everything has an opposite.  We live in duality.  So, think of hot and cold, up and down, happy and sad, good and bad, positive and negative, health and illness, clouds and sunshine, light and dark, negativity and positivity, etc.

Everything actually exists on a continuum, so you can’t have one end of a subject without the existence and potential of its polar opposite.  Everything is linked together.  Duality exists in all things.  

At first glance this can seem disconcerting.  Who wants the negative side of the pairs of opposites?  But in looking deeper, we can understand the benefits and purpose of polarity.

Without sadness we wouldn’t really know the joy of happiness.  Without experiencing ill health we wouldn’t appreciate health.  

It’s important to note that the Universe doesn’t see anything as bad or good.  It is completely neutral.  It simply operates from “is” and “is not.”

The Law of Polarity gives us the choice to choose which end of the spectrum we want to be on.

If we are happy the potential exists for us to be sad.  However, the opposite is true.  If we are sad the potential exists for us to be happy.  The choice is up to us!   Where are you putting your focus and energy?

Using the Law of Polarity

When I was going through a bad time with my career, I was pretty miserable.  I had actually liked what I was doing and where I was working very much when I first started out, but over the years, things changed.  I knew I wanted things to be different, but was at a loss as to what I really wanted.  Then one morning I woke up and immediately had an idea.  I didn’t even get out of bed before I started putting it to use!

I did an exercise called “Clarity Through Contrast.”  At the time I just thought I made it up!  It’s all about using what you don’t want to know what you do want.  

It’s easy to know what we don’t want when we’re unhappy because we’re experiencing it.  Contrast is all the stuff we don’t want.  So, I made a list of all the things I didn’t like about my (then) current work situation.  Then I went back to the first item on my list and thought, “If I don’t want that, then what Do I want?”  I just flipped what I didn’t want to it’s opposite to get my answer.  When I was done, I had a nice list of what I wanted to experience in my career and work environment.  I had clarity and a list of positives I could focus on.

So, the contrast, or “bad” side of a situation is actually the very thing that can help you gain clarity on what you want.  Without experiencing the contrast, we may not truly know what we want.  You can use this exercise for any subject—your relationships, your career, your purpose, your health, your finances, where you want to live, etc.  

This law helps us understand that you haven’t made a mistake when things don’t go how you’d like.  You haven’t failed if something doesn’t work out the way you wanted.  What’s actually happened is you’ve gained more understanding and fine tuned what your preferences really are.  The contrast shines a light on what is meaningful and important to you.  

Manifesting with this Universal Law

It’s important to note that the Universe doesn’t see anything as bad or good.  It is completely neutral.  It simply operates from “is” and “is not.”

The potential is always there for either side of the poles to be expressed.  We manifest what we give our attention to and we manifest what we believe.  What often happens is our intentions come into conflict with our beliefs.  When that occurs, you’re actually expressing both sides of the spectrum.  

So, for example, say you want to follow your dreams and your purpose in life.  But you have a belief that you can’t ever make that happen, or that you’ll disappoint family that want something different for you, or you’ll never make enough money doing it. Now the energy you’re putting out is mixed.  It’s like you’ve got one foot on the accelerator and one on the brakes.  There’s no clear message.

That’s when the Law of Attraction comes in.  You can use your wonderful imagination to visualize having what you want to manifest.  It’s important to use all of your senses.  What will you feel, see, hear, when you have what you want?  

Make a conscious choice for happiness, satisfaction, fulfillment, freedom, abundance or whatever you desire to feel.  Practice law of attraction processes and affirmations to help you stay in a high vibration and gradually change your beliefs to match your dreams.  Other practices such as EFT (tapping) and PSYCH-K  can help too.  

Happy manifesting with the Law of Polarity!

Other related articles:

The Universal Law of Divine Oneness

The Law of the Perpetual Transmutation of Energy

The Universal Law of Polarity (another article that may further clarify how to use this law)