Stress reduction

When Stress Hits: 5 Ways to Get Immediate Relief

  Most people in our society feel stress from time to time.  A little stress can be a positive motivator to be prepared to do well in a job interview or practice for that speech you’re giving.  But most stress, like when you have too many demands on your time such as meeting deadlines, or […]


6 Signs You’re Ready for a Career Change

For most people, the knowledge of your purpose and best career happens over time, not as an immediate insight. It’s important to self-reflect on a regular basis and not drift through life without being aware of when you may need to make a career change. Pay attention to the synchronicities and signs in your life, […]


Top 10 Ways to Cope with Job Transition

[tweetthis]Top 10 Ways to Cope with Job Transition[/tweetthis] While our life purpose is not always about our work, most people who come to me are looking for their work to be more fulfilling.  This might mean making some tweaks right where you are, or it may mean going in a new direction. Job transitions can […]


Being in Silence—7 Benefits to Unplugging and Getting Quiet

Today we experience more stimulation from our outside environments than ever before. We have more noise and we are more accessible than ever before. More demands are placed on us in our busy lives. Learn seven benefits to practicing silence for 10 minutes a day.


How to Keep Your Center When the World Seems to be Falling Apart

[tweetthis hidden_hashtags=”#Meditation #LOA”]How to Keep Your Center When the World Seems to be Falling Apart[/tweetthis] When I get the newspaper, I mainly get it for the Style section, which includes the comics and crossword. (Yes, I love the crossword puzzles!)  I don’t find it useful to inundate myself with what the news mostly focuses on, […]


Are You Tuned In?

Have you heard all the buzz recently about mindfulness?  According to the experts, becoming more mindful can impact many areas of your life including your mood, habits, peace of mind, how you interact with others, and so much more. To be more mindful means to be more aware – more tuned into – and accepting […]


The Monkey-Chatter in Your Head

We all have negative voices in our head.  For some they are subtle, passive, and even deceive us into thinking they are there to protect us and keep us safe.  For others, they are much more aggressive, and downright mean.  Sometimes we are aware of their words and influence.  Most other times we are oblivious […]


9 Tips for a Stress Free Holiday

The holidays can be fun and joyous, but they can also be stressful. Extra tasks, feeling that we need to make everything perfect and the drain on our financial resources can suck the joy right out of the season. It’s important to remember to love yourself through this time, and in so doing be there […]
