
We Are All One

I don’t usually get so personal as to share my dreams in a blog post, but I thought this one was worth sharing. I’m not sure why I dreamed this, but perhaps I had the latest news stories in my head and needed to get clear on the truth. So, here goes! I dreamed I […]


Victim or Victor?

Life is full of ups and downs.  Everyone experience those times when things just don’t go the way they expected.  A job or project falls through, disagreements crop up, a spouse leaves–the list could go on!   The difference between someone who grows from these challenges and someone who stays stuck is in how they respond […]



“Miracles are Love in Action.” When was the last time you received a miracle? When was the last time you created a miracle? We tend to think of miracles as happening only rarely, or only to special people. We certainly don’t think we can be the source of a miracle. It’s a good time of […]


Are You Arguing With Your Current Reality?

“Don’t believe everything you think.” ~Byron Katie We have about 60,000 thoughts per day. 95% of those thoughts are habitual, and of those habitual thoughts, about 80% are negative. That means most people have more than 45,000 negative thoughts a day. Yikes! Since we know from the Law of Attraction that we create what we […]


Why People Don’t Live Their Purpose, Part 5: Beliefs

One of the biggest blockages people face in moving forward with living according to their passions and purpose is belief, both conscious and subconscious. Our beliefs determine what we attract and what we allow ourselves to receive in life. When we start from a place of limiting or flawed premises it will hold us back […]
