Life balance

8 Steps to Relieve Stress

We are living through some pretty stressful times in the world. As deliberate creators it’s more important than ever to consciously practice shifting from stress and worry to relaxation and positivity. We create what we give our energy, attention and focus to, and fear, stress and anxiety are some pretty strong emotions. In order to […]


What Does Being Successful Mean to You?

When we think of the word “successful,” most people think of wealth, fame, influence, a certain job title, accolades and awards. These are the things society tells us we need to achieve in order to be a success. And, sadly, in these days of social media, success is measured by the number of “likes” and […]


3 Quick, Easy and Unusual Ways to De-Stress

Stress is a huge part of our modern life. As such, there is a lot of information out in the world about how to manage your stress levels using tried and true methods such as meditation, massage, exercise, deep breathing and calming vacations. All of these methods are powerful and extremely effective. That said, there […]


How to Conquer the Urge to Give Up

It’s inevitable…at some point in the pursuit of your passions, goals, purpose and dreams, you’re going to get tired, frustrated and completely overwhelmed. And in some cases, you will want to give up. This is your moment of truth. Will you do as so many others do, and quit before you reach the finish line? […]


7 Tips for Overcoming Perfectionism

There’s nothing wrong with striving for success and excellence. However, that is not the same as perfectionism and it’s important to know the difference in order to recognize it and take steps to overcome it. Perfectionism is a tendency to set standards so high they can’t be met, yet never being satisfied with anything less. […]


Year End Self-Reflection: 5 Questions

Here we are at the end of another year!  It has certainly been an eventful year. I’m sure there have been wonderful things as well as challenges and obstacles that have occurred to you personally.  Certainly there have been country and global events that have been unsettling to many. At this time it is important […]


3 Life Hacks I Learned from Watching Sports

I’m not your typical sports fan.  As a child and young adult I had no interest in sports whatsoever, although I devoted hours of time to dance.  Then I had a son who was very much into sports.  So, in my effort to be a supportive mom, I went to every baseball game and figured […]


Top 10 Ways to Cope with Job Transition

[tweetthis]Top 10 Ways to Cope with Job Transition[/tweetthis] While our life purpose is not always about our work, most people who come to me are looking for their work to be more fulfilling.  This might mean making some tweaks right where you are, or it may mean going in a new direction. Job transitions can […]


How to Keep Your Center When the World Seems to be Falling Apart

[tweetthis hidden_hashtags=”#Meditation #LOA”]How to Keep Your Center When the World Seems to be Falling Apart[/tweetthis] When I get the newspaper, I mainly get it for the Style section, which includes the comics and crossword. (Yes, I love the crossword puzzles!)  I don’t find it useful to inundate myself with what the news mostly focuses on, […]
