positive thinking

Is It Easier to Be Unhappy Than Happy?

This was a question that was put before me recently and I thought it an interesting one.  For many people the answer is it’s easier to be unhappy, because unhappiness, struggle and complaint are their default beliefs and behaviors.  For others, happiness seems to come easily.  We all know those people who seem just naturally […]


7 Tips to Practice Unconditional Self-Love

As Valentine’s Day approaches our thoughts turn to love.  It’s everywhere!  And its great to celebrate love.  When we think of love, especially on Valentine’s Day, we think of romantic love.  Romantic love is great and we all want it!  It’s necessary to keep the species going and so it is hard wired into us. […]


How to Avoid Resolution Ricochet

We’re about half way into January.  Did you set resolutions for the new year?  Are they already starting to fade into distant memory?  How are you feeling about them?  Research from the University of Scranton found that just 8% of people achieve their New Year’s goals. So, what is the difference between people who achieve […]


The Monkey-Chatter in Your Head

We all have negative voices in our head.  For some they are subtle, passive, and even deceive us into thinking they are there to protect us and keep us safe.  For others, they are much more aggressive, and downright mean.  Sometimes we are aware of their words and influence.  Most other times we are oblivious […]


Coaching Live Webcast from The Coaching Movie

The Coaching Movie has begun filming!  Catch these live webcasts to see the benefits of coaching in action!  


Accessing the Power of Gratitude

The practice of gratitude as a tool for happiness has been in the mainstream for years. Long-term studies support gratitude’s effectiveness, suggesting that a positive, appreciative attitude contributes to greater success in work, greater health, peak performance in sports and business, a higher sense of well-being, better relationships and a faster rate of recovery from […]


Getting Rid of the ANTs in Your Brain for Greater Happiness

Have you noticed that your brain is always “on”?  That’s what it does–it thinks!  Scientists have found we have, on average, 60,000 thoughts a day.  95% of those thoughts are habitual and of those habitual thoughts, about 80% are negative.  That’s about 45,000 habitual negative thoughts a day. We are actually hard-wired to be alert […]


Why Positive Thinking Doesn’t Work

“Positive thinking doesn’t work.”  I made this statement to a group of associates at a networking meeting a while back and received many startled looks. Many of the members have known me for months, if not years, and certainly they all know I am a law of attraction life coach. What was I talking about, […]
