positive thinking

How Do You Feel About Change?

How do you feel about change? Do you like it? Do you welcome new things into your life? Or are you more the type that likes things to remain status quo? Are you the type that doesn’t like anything disrupting the apple cart? Many people find change difficult and feel disoriented, unbalanced and isolated when […]


When Bad Is Good: Finding Meaning in “Negative” Events

There’s a Taoist story of an old farmer whose horse inexplicably ran away. His neighbors said, “What bad luck!” to which he replied, “Perhaps.” The next day, the horse returned, bringing with it a wild horse. The farmer’s son tried to ride it, fell, and broke his leg. Once again, the neighbors sent their sympathy: […]


Law of Attraction Not Working? Here’s Why

Have you been trying to manifest what you want and just not seeing it show up?  If so, you’re not alone.  While the concept of the law of attraction is by now well known, many people still struggle with just how to apply it and get the outcomes they are looking for. While the concept […]


How a Gratitude Adjustment Can Change Your Life

To hear him tell it, Robert had a rough life. People were always picking fights with him. He was always getting cut off in traffic, or being targeted for parking tickets. Authority figures had it out for him, and that made it hard for him to keep a job. Every day, he had something to […]


The Creative Power of Your Thoughts

We are vibrational beings. With every thought we have we transmit a vibration to the Universe. When we place our focus of attention on a particular thought, we strengthen the vibration of that thought. The Universe responds to our vibration by giving us what we are placing our energy and attention on. When we repeatedly […]


How to Conquer Bitterness

There are many reasons why you might find yourself feeling bitter. A relationship breakup, loss of a job, getting scammed, experiencing what you feel is unfair treatment—the list goes on. I was quite bitter when I felt forced out of a job I had really loved by a new administration. Being bitter didn’t feel good […]


7 Tips for Overcoming Perfectionism

There’s nothing wrong with striving for success and excellence. However, that is not the same as perfectionism and it’s important to know the difference in order to recognize it and take steps to overcome it. Perfectionism is a tendency to set standards so high they can’t be met, yet never being satisfied with anything less. […]


Overcoming Your Fears Using Visualization

Ellen stood at the podium, looking out at the group of people in front of her. She could feel her heart pounding and her mouth and throat went dry. Her hands shook and her mind went blank. This was the worst moment of her life. Everybody, like Ellen, has something that they are afraid of. […]


Year End Self-Reflection: 5 Questions

Here we are at the end of another year!  It has certainly been an eventful year. I’m sure there have been wonderful things as well as challenges and obstacles that have occurred to you personally.  Certainly there have been country and global events that have been unsettling to many. At this time it is important […]


3 Life Hacks I Learned from Watching Sports

I’m not your typical sports fan.  As a child and young adult I had no interest in sports whatsoever, although I devoted hours of time to dance.  Then I had a son who was very much into sports.  So, in my effort to be a supportive mom, I went to every baseball game and figured […]
