Subconcious beliefs

Learning to Believe in Yourself

Do you have that little voice in your head telling you you’re not enough? It says things like, “You’re not smart enough, outgoing enough, thin enough, attractive enough, creative enough, lovable enough, hardworking enough.” That voice tells you that in some way you just aren’t enough to have what you want in life, whether its […]


How to Overcome a Lack of Faith in Yourself

“Talk to yourself like you would to someone you love.” –Brené Brown Have you ever had times when you felt you just didn’t believe in yourself? You lost faith in your abilities and your dreams? You’re not alone. Everyone at some time or another has felt like they just couldn’t see a clear road ahead. […]


The Creative Power of Your Thoughts

We are vibrational beings. With every thought we have we transmit a vibration to the Universe. When we place our focus of attention on a particular thought, we strengthen the vibration of that thought. The Universe responds to our vibration by giving us what we are placing our energy and attention on. When we repeatedly […]


Is It Easier to Be Unhappy Than Happy?

This was a question that was put before me recently and I thought it an interesting one.  For many people the answer is it’s easier to be unhappy, because unhappiness, struggle and complaint are their default beliefs and behaviors.  For others, happiness seems to come easily.  We all know those people who seem just naturally […]


Getting Rid of the ANTs in Your Brain for Greater Happiness

Have you noticed that your brain is always “on”?  That’s what it does–it thinks!  Scientists have found we have, on average, 60,000 thoughts a day.  95% of those thoughts are habitual and of those habitual thoughts, about 80% are negative.  That’s about 45,000 habitual negative thoughts a day. We are actually hard-wired to be alert […]


You are Enough

One of the most pervasive beliefs that keep people from living their lives as they truly wish is the illusion that they are not “enough”.  Not smart enough, courageous enough, attractive enough, spiritual enough, creative enough, deserving enough….the list goes on. In thinking about taking steps to move into living your life purpose, those feelings […]


Why Your Expectations are Sabotaging Your Success

Read no further until you watch the video! OK, that was fun! The scientific term for this is inattentional blindness. We see what we expect to see. And it makes an important point about how we create our experiences in the world. Law of attraction says that what we focus our attention on expands. Where […]


What Were You Thinking?

When’s the last time you tuned in to your own mind chatter? Did you know that we have around 60,000 thoughts per day and 80% of them are negative? That’s 48,000 negative thoughts a day–unless you do something to interrupt that pattern and train your brain to think in positive new ways. By deliberately thinking […]


Life as a Jigsaw Puzzle

A tradition at Christmas in my family when my sister and I were older, was that someone always got my mother a jigsaw puzzle. We spread it out on the dining room table after dinner and put it together over the remaining part of the holidays as a family activity. It sometimes even involved an […]


Change Your Beliefs to Change Your Life

The most important thing you can do to change your life is to change your thoughts. Sounds simple, but as anyone who has tried it knows, those default thoughts that we have been thinking for so long keep rearing their heads. We have, on the average, 60,000 thoughts a day. That’s one thought per second […]
