Work transition

What to Do When Your Spouse Doesn’t Support Your Dreams

You’ve gotten clear on what your purpose is and you’re excited about pursuing it! You’re ready to ditch the soul-sucking job and strike out in a new direction.  You share the good news with your spouse and……you hit a brick wall. Your loved one doesn’t support your dreams. Here are some tips for how to […]


Ready for a Career Change?

Do these uncertain times inspire you to make a career change? As businesses have shuttered and jobs dried up, this is an unsettling time. But it is also an opportunity for reinventing your career. Many people right now are getting creative with what they already have as a business or career. I know a business […]


Life Purpose: Career and Beyond

I write about life purpose as meaningful work a lot, since many people come to me with that concern. They want to connect with work that they love and makes a contribution to the larger whole. Purpose is also about your spiritual growth, and the career you choose is most certainly part of that growth. […]


How to Try On a New Career Before You Choose It

  Are you unhappy with your career but afraid to make a change because you’re not sure you’ll like it? You may have an idea about what you’d like to do next, but how do you know it’s the right choice? We all want to be happy and fulfilled at work. We want something that […]


How Do You Feel About Change?

How do you feel about change? Do you like it? Do you welcome new things into your life? Or are you more the type that likes things to remain status quo? Are you the type that doesn’t like anything disrupting the apple cart? Many people find change difficult and feel disoriented, unbalanced and isolated when […]


How to Be More Productive Working From Home

Many people are finding themselves working from home for the first time during the pandemic.  This can be quite an adjustment from the structured work environment.  Are you struggling with productivity? Are you always striving to get your task list accomplished but end up constantly moving tasks to the next day? If this describes you, […]


Releasing What Doesn’t Serve You

Have you ever been in a situation or relationship where you kept getting the feeling you needed to let it go and move on to something else? Did you listen? When you get those feelings that just won’t go way, there’s a reason. That’s your Higher Self sending you a message. You are always being […]


How to Conquer Bitterness

There are many reasons why you might find yourself feeling bitter. A relationship breakup, loss of a job, getting scammed, experiencing what you feel is unfair treatment—the list goes on. I was quite bitter when I felt forced out of a job I had really loved by a new administration. Being bitter didn’t feel good […]


How to Get Out of Your Comfort Zone

“Real change is difficult at the beginning, but gorgeous at the end. Change begins the moment you get the courage and step outside your comfort zone; change begins at the end of your comfort zone.” ― Roy T. Bennett Deciding to follow our deepest desires and really  live into our life purpose requires the courage […]


6 Signs You’re Ready for a Career Change

For most people, the knowledge of your purpose and best career happens over time, not as an immediate insight. It’s important to self-reflect on a regular basis and not drift through life without being aware of when you may need to make a career change. Pay attention to the synchronicities and signs in your life, […]
