
I Love You

As children we were led away from our own inner knowing and taught about the world in a way that fosters many “flawed premises” about who we are and the nature of reality.  That’s OK.  We came to forget so that we could experience the journey of remembering who we really are.  In that journey […]


We Are All One

I don’t usually get so personal as to share my dreams in a blog post, but I thought this one was worth sharing. I’m not sure why I dreamed this, but perhaps I had the latest news stories in my head and needed to get clear on the truth. So, here goes! I dreamed I […]



“Miracles are Love in Action.” When was the last time you received a miracle? When was the last time you created a miracle? We tend to think of miracles as happening only rarely, or only to special people. We certainly don’t think we can be the source of a miracle. It’s a good time of […]


The Power of Appreciation

Today I’m simply going to share a video that impacted me. You never know, when you express appreciation, just how much you can affect a life. A simple act of sharing a thank you or stating an appreciation can mean more than you possibly imagined! Think how the world would be changed if more of […]


Unconditional Love

February is the month of love! We’re just past Valentine’s Day, when our thoughts and attention are on romantic love. Many people feel that romantic love is the highest form of love. While it certainly feels good, is healthy and rewarding, there is actually a higher, more certain love that comes from within us and […]
