self empowerment

Liberating Yourself From the Grip of the Past

Have you ever found yourself haunted by the ghosts of your past, wondering if your past mistakes or challenges are destined to cast a perpetual shadow over your future?   For some, guilt or regret over past mistakes leads them to think they don’t deserve to embrace a new and improved future.  In other cases, […]


Cultivating Resilience

Life throws challenges our way. It doesn’t mean you’ve taken a wrong turn.  It’s a part of life that we can either let overwhelm us or grow from.   We cultivate resilience by finding ways to adapt to a new situation.  Having a good grounding in resilience skills can help us to get through difficulties […]


Using the Law of Polarity

The Law of Polarity states that everything has an opposite.  We live in duality.  So, think of hot and cold, up and down, happy and sad, good and bad, positive and negative, health and illness, clouds and sunshine, light and dark, negativity and positivity, etc. Everything actually exists on a continuum, so you can’t have […]


The Law of the Perpetual Transmutation of Energy

The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy states that energy is always in flux, or continuous change.  While energy can’t be created or destroyed it is always in motion, changing from one state to another. This prevents stagnation and allows us to utilize this power to create our reality.  You can see this working out […]


The Universal Law of Divine Oneness

The 12 universal laws are our guideposts to creating lives we love and help us expand into our spiritual growth.   The Law of Divine Oneness is the basis for all of the other universal laws.  It’s at the core of who we are and our relationship to all life. It states, simply, that everything […]


Having an Abundance Mindset

What is the difference between having an abundance mindset and having a scarcity mindset? A scarcity mindset is a fixed mindset. It is focused on lack and a belief that the supply is limited. An abundance mindset is a growth mindset. It allows for possibilities, growth and understands we live in a limitless universe. Many […]


Having a Growth Mindset

One of the most important assets to success in life is having a growth mindset, rather than a fixed mindset. What is the difference between a fixed mindset and having a growth mindset? If someone has a fixed mindset, they believe that talents, intelligence and character are finite. They think that what you have is […]


How to Stop Comparing Yourself

”Comparison is the thief of joy.” – Theodore Roosevelt Teddy Roosevelt had this right. Comparison is a happiness robber. Yet we do this almost as a knee jerk reaction. We’ve been led to believe that the way to measure our worth is by comparing ourselves to other people. If someone else seems to be doing […]


Balancing Action and Alignment

From the time we were small, most of us have been told that you need to struggle and work hard to get what you want and to be successful. Many people speak with pride about the long hours, hard work and massive action they took to get where they are now. They subscribe to the […]


How to Boost Your Self-Esteem

We know having a high vibration is necessary to creating our goals and dreams. Having good self-esteem is important to that process. A common practice people use to boost self-esteem or create positive change in their lives is to use affirmations. But here’s the thing—if your subconscious mind doesn’t believe in what you’re saying, the […]
