
Everything You Want is Downstream

I’m sure you’ve heard these phrases and others like them most of your life: No pain, no gain You can get what you want if you work hard Life isn’t fair We get taught from early on, that success comes only with struggle and even then, we might not achieve it. The truth is, we […]


Sometimes You Have to Just “Be”

I’m going to be really transparent today and share something quite personal. I’m sharing this because I want you to know that anyone, even law of attraction coaches, can get into ruts and have to re-group. It’s just part of being human and learning to trust our inner wisdom, even when it seems impractical. My […]


Why Setting Goals Doesn’t Work

Setting goals doesn’t work.  OK, so that’s a pretty bold statement.  We’re taught to set goals.  Goals arise from our desires and give us a direction and a destination. The question is, why do so many people fail at achieving their goals? When I was in direct sales I was taught to aim high so […]


7 Tips to Practice Unconditional Self-Love

As Valentine’s Day approaches our thoughts turn to love.  It’s everywhere!  And its great to celebrate love.  When we think of love, especially on Valentine’s Day, we think of romantic love.  Romantic love is great and we all want it!  It’s necessary to keep the species going and so it is hard wired into us. […]


Universal Laws: Time to Act!

In this article I will cover the laws of Cause and Effect, Compensation and Action. As we go along with these laws you will see how they interact and support each other to create a deeper understanding of what we came to experience to encourage our own evolution as souls.


Universal Laws: Anything is Possible with Pure Potentiality

This is the second of my series on Universal Laws.  The first article addressed the Law of Vibration and the Law of Sufficiency and Abundance.   Today, I’ll show you how understanding the laws of Oneness, Pure Potentiality and Detachment can help you become a master manifester! The Law of Oneness The law of Oneness […]


Four Steps to Allowing Your Life Purpose to Find You

“Life purpose is whatever path you decide on, for it is all free will.”  ~Sanaya Roman, from Living with Joy I find there is frequently confusion around the idea of finding your life purpose.  It is often thought of as something you must do.  The answer to your life purpose is actually much more joyful […]


9 Tips for a Stress Free Holiday

The holidays can be fun and joyous, but they can also be stressful. Extra tasks, feeling that we need to make everything perfect and the drain on our financial resources can suck the joy right out of the season. It’s important to remember to love yourself through this time, and in so doing be there […]


6 Awarenesses from Manifesting Big

This month I’m sharing a personal journey with manifesting because the experience really deepened my own knowing. Coaches, like everyone else, are not “done”. We are still growing and expanding–thankfully! Last September I set an intention for something that felt very big to me. It was something that I really didn’t know how to bring […]


Victim or Victor?

Life is full of ups and downs.  Everyone experience those times when things just don’t go the way they expected.  A job or project falls through, disagreements crop up, a spouse leaves–the list could go on!   The difference between someone who grows from these challenges and someone who stays stuck is in how they respond […]
