Self Improvement

Unraveling the Essence: Life Purpose Beyond Ambitions and Goals

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash Throughout human existence, the quest for meaning and purpose has been a never-ending journey. While ambitions and goals provide direction and milestones in our journey, life purpose goes beyond the mere desire for success. Let’s take a look at the difference between life purpose, ambitions, and goals, and […]


The Life Purpose Kaleidoscope

Life purpose, that pursuit that gives meaning and direction to our existence, is a concept intricately woven into the fabric of human societies. Yet, the interpretation of life’s purpose varies vastly across cultures and philosophical traditions. It creates a Kaleidoscope of possibilities. From the individualistic pursuit of self-actualization to the desire to make a contribution […]


Why Life Purpose is the Secret Ingredient

Image by Fabiano Pimentel Fafarte from Pixabay Have you ever eaten something at a restaurant or a friend’s house and wow!  There’s something in the dish or dessert that really gives it more flavor, more sweetness or spice. You want to know, “What is the secret ingredient that makes all the difference in this?” Some […]


How Do You Measure Success?

Society has long measured success in life by income and status.  Many people choose these standards as their measure of success, then wonder why they feel unfulfilled. Many well-intentioned parents encourage their children to follow this path. But is that the goal of the young person starting out in life?  Is it the goal of […]


Letting Go

We are the creators of our lives.  Sometimes it may not seem like it.  Events and relationships can go in a way we don’t like and then we feel like a victim. The truth is, we are more powerful than we realize.  We create with every thought.  Manifesting what we want is a matter of […]



Compassion is defined by psychologists as “the emotional response when perceiving suffering and involves an authentic desire to help.” It’s closely related to empathy, which is the ability to understand and feel another person’s feelings.  The key to compassion is the desire to help.  It’s about being thoughtful and kind. This article will be focused […]


Reassessing Your Purpose

Discovering your life purpose creates a feeling of fulfillment and delight with your life.  It feels energizing.  It’s also about the contribution you make to the larger whole.  However, it’s important to stop and reassess your life purpose periodically. As you go through life, your interests may change. Life is dynamic and your abilities, desires […]


Embracing the New

Feeling stuck in connecting with your purpose or moving forward in your life?  If so, it’s time to shake things up by embracing the new!   Staying with the same routine every day, day after day, doesn’t allow for growth, change and new ideas. The pandemic caused a lot of upheaval.  Some businesses closed. Others […]


Using the Law of Polarity

The Law of Polarity states that everything has an opposite.  We live in duality.  So, think of hot and cold, up and down, happy and sad, good and bad, positive and negative, health and illness, clouds and sunshine, light and dark, negativity and positivity, etc. Everything actually exists on a continuum, so you can’t have […]


The Universal Law of Divine Oneness

The 12 universal laws are our guideposts to creating lives we love and help us expand into our spiritual growth.   The Law of Divine Oneness is the basis for all of the other universal laws.  It’s at the core of who we are and our relationship to all life. It states, simply, that everything […]
